Did you miss me? I’ve had a short, unplanned break from the podcast these past four weeks...but we’re back!
Where have I been, let’s meet the new TPV Apprentices and what’s coming up next on podcast?
A quick run down of this for this week and then we shall launch into a new series starting next week. I hope you like it.
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Nana & Emilie (a couple going through the TPV Apprentice Programme) interviewed Richard on their podcast with that episode HERE and their YouTube channel is HERE.
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Transcription of the show
Did you miss me? I’ve had a short, unplanned break from the podcast these past four weeks...but we’re back!
Where have I been, let’s meet the new TPV Apprentices and what’s coming up next on podcast?
A quick rundown of this for this week and then we shall launch into a new series starting next week. I hope you like it.
Property Chatter
Welcome to the property voice podcast helping you to navigate safely through the world of property investing, get the lowdown and updates, insights, and outcomes on all matters property with a splash of entertainment along the way to a property, voice the voice to trust among the crowd. Now, let's get started with your host, Richard Brown.
Thank you for listening today. Now head over to thepropertyvoice.net. For more inspirational content and get updates through our mailing list. Join us next time on the property voice podcast and if you enjoyed the show, please don't forget to rate us on iTunes.
Welcome to the property voice podcast helping you to navigate safely through the world of property investing, get the lowdown and updates, insights and outcomes on all matters property with a splash of entertainment along the way to a property voice the voice to trust among the crowd. Now, let's get started with your host, Richard Brown.
Hello, and welcome to another episode of the property voice podcast. My name is Richard Brown. And as always, it's a pleasure to have you join me again on the show today. Well, some of you might have noticed that it's been a bit quiet on the property voice podcast these last few weeks inadvertently have taken a four-week break. Initially, it was planned in a way because I just had so much going on, both in the business world and also in some of the private, private life side of things. And a perfect storm of things came together. And I just decided to sit out a week and then it turned into two. And then it turned into four on the podcast as I really just tried to just stay focused on a few key priorities. And as a result of those priorities, taking precedence, the podcast, unfortunately, had to take a bit of a backseat. It's actually been quite interesting, because, you know, I think, as I reflect on what's happened over the last few weeks, you know, we do go through some highs and lows. We go through highs and lows in life, we go through highs and lows in business as well. And, you know, we've got a major acquisition going on at the moment. And it's been, you know, pretty intense, and pretty immersive, actually, for probably the best part of 10 weeks now. And so probably when I when you first you may have noticed me disappear, was at a very particular an intense moment. of negotiations, we've got agreements in principle, but we're trying to agree on the sale and purchase agreement in detail, can't tell you too much about it, because we're subject to confidentiality, undertakings, but it's, it's interesting how things can go and how it can dominate really. And so there's a bit of a lesson there, insofar as how we're actually doing things. And of course, what the implications of that acquisition trail that we set ourselves up with, if you listen to them, the mini-series around my q1 sprint goals. Earlier this year, we were sort of victims of our own success in some respects. But we need, we need to have a consistent way of being able to integrate mergers and acquisitions into regular activity or to be able to wind down the regular activities such that we've got the time and energy and focus for those merger and acquisition activities. So that was one thing, there was a couple of things going on in my, with my family, and I just wanted to spend a bit more time and energy with them. So something else had to give in that respect, too. But that teaches us really made me aware of my availability, at times to my family, and I really reflected on that, and taking some, some, some things on board really to make sure that I do have that time and availability for people that are important to me. So I guess that was another factor.
And then there was, you know, there's a quotation, then when let's just get it in front of me to make sure say it right, that, you know, is really come to mind recently. And that's, I think, you know, people showing themselves for who they are, you know, and believing that there was a famous quotation, I think it's by Maya Angelou if I've correctly pronounced her name. And the quotation is when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. And it's all about not listening to words, but actually being governed by people's actions and behavior. And that's the showing. So people can say things, the one they sign that and the other. But actually, the Actions speak louder than those words. And it's turning into those actions and behavior, it's really important. And I had a number of actual, consistent instances, let's say with a few different people where this quotation really came into the top of my mind, the forefront of my mind. And funny enough is about three of them in relatively quick succession over the last three or four weeks. And I guess the ultimate one was where we'd agreed to deal to buy a property. And we because there was mentioned on the seller's behalf that there was another interested party we'd asked for, and indeed being granted a short exclusivity period so that we can get our deal done. So as I mentioned, that was our sport, it was also agreed to is agreed to in writing and then Yeah, there needs to be a memorandum of sale to be issued, which would, you know, corroborate that all the terms effectively that were agreed. So it wasn't a long exclusivity period. But it's just long enough, really. So we can get, get cracking and get the deal done and protect our cells against any potential abortive transaction in a threat of a competitor coming in. So I mentioned it was freely agreed to, I'm stressing the point, as you can probably gather, needless to say, the seller then dragged their feet. And there was no rhyme or reason because they just needed to issue a memorandum of sale, which is really putting the details on a document who they are, who their solicitors are, for example, what the agreed price was, and of course, the agreement to this exclusivity period. But we were kind of getting fobbed off, we weren't there wasn't strong responsiveness. So there was a bit of a red flag in that respect. So respect, rather. So we were kind of following that through. And we were assured on several occasions by the seller that always well, there was nothing to worry about. It was just the change in the person who works for them for their solicitor and they wanted to make sure that it was correctly worded, etc. But always find, and they're planning to sell to us, etc, etc. So lots of reassurance to the game came across in writing, you know, where this is going, of course. And so needless to say, things have gone quiet again. And I was just saying this doesn't sound right. It doesn't feel right, I had a bad feeling about it. You know, it's just too long a delay for such a simple thing, really issuing the memorandum of sale. And of course, we were losing time. And the reason we wanted this exclusivity period was to avoid spending time and indeed money on a transaction that we might have taken away from us. Anyway, the thing that we thought might happen happened, and you could say that we perhaps induced it by being afraid of it happening. But essentially, the seller eventually backed out. And they said that they weren't prepared to give exclusivity that they wanted to go on a first past the post basis. And indeed, they had received this an offer in the intervening delay period. Clearly, they were still marketing the property, despite the fact that they gave us assurances to the contrary. So I don't know what you make of that. I know what I make of that. But, you know, as soon as I heard that, there was absolutely no way we were going to proceed. And, you know, there's no justification in my mind for someone to make an about-turn on that basis. Yes, I understand that this list that they finally spoke to said, maybe that's not the best thing for you to do. But we agreed to that. And there wasn't even the courtesy, if you like, you're saying, Well, I know I agreed to it. And, you know, my sister is advising otherwise, if you can get your skates on, I was still going to commit to it. But you know, you know, didn't really hold to their word. So that's the point. Their words weren't supported by their actions. So that was, you know, another, you know, at the end of the day, his thing, it's about values, right. It's about people's values and ethics. And, you know, I'm sure the seller in this particular instance, believes that they are operating to their own standards, their own values, and their own ethics, as indeed, do I. And you know, I'm not going to make a big beef about, they're wrong, or I'm right, or anything like that. But the key point is this. It's about alignment. And it's about for me, it's about doing business with people that you are aligned to. So in this particular case, my situation or my belief is very firm, that once someone's agreed on something unless they come back to you and as a very, very good reason. And in a timely manner, why something can't operate in the way that you've discussed and agreed in writing, then really, you know, you need to stick to your word, and that there are my values. Those are my ethics. And so we decided to pull out that particular transaction. And yeah, we were accused of all sorts of things afterward that we, you know, we could have got on with it in the intervening period, you know, that why do we wait for them, even though they kind of do the switcheroo on us? But you know, the reality was, they kind of threatened us with the fact that there was another party sniffing around and we just didn't want to go into an abortive sale. We asked for, and we're contented to be granted. exclusivity and that didn't happen. So the point I'm making is, it's just an exercise of values, and ethics. And you know, there isn't one size fits all. I think you have to make your own judgment as to what values are important to you, what you subscribe to, what you live by, and what you fall by. And so we took a stance that we you know, there's going to be plenty of deals but you can't really compromise on your own personal values. That's the point. So, I think that quotation when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time by Maya Angelou is quite poignant, really. So needless to say, knocked us around a bit. Because obviously, we thought that was going to be a nice investment that we secured. And we're looking forward to proceeding and getting to the other side of the acquisition and moving on. But there you go, these things happen. And that's the point, these things happen, deals will come and go. Probably something better is waiting for us as a result. But I think equally, you know, we've learned something about that particular seller. And, yeah, I don't think we're in alignment, let's just say that didn't think there'd be any future business opportunity there. Because it you know, fundamentally, it's the lack of alignment, but also lack of trust, as emerged out of that experience. So hopefully, you can take something away from yourself from that, too. So that's that. The other thing I wanted to say is that I'm one to launch a new series of podcasts, essentially, now, it's going to be about, I was going to call it the core competencies of a property investor because that's actually what I've got is the list. But I'm probably going to simplify the title. So the working title is the core competency of a property investor. But essentially, it's the core skills, that I think we're going to need some points in time, maybe some of them not on day one, when there's about 10 of them, as we go through the program for the series. Rather, it might evolve because I thought of a couple afterward. But I'm going to cover a series on that over the next few weeks, and it's sort of a bit of a one on one level or back to basics or foundations kind of series again, and it's a bit of a throwback to the very first series on the property voice podcast, in some respects. But he's coming at it from a slightly different perspective is coming at it from this core skills perspective. And of course, I've got, you know, six years of experience, and you know, road testing these competencies, these skills to share with you as well. So you'll get different interests, insights, and intake from what I covered in the first series of the podcast. So hopefully stick around for that. I may or may not have a guest, I'm not sure how I'm actually going to run it. But it's going to start next week. So I just wanted to announce my reemergence if you like the podcast, and then to set you up for this series starting from next week. So that's fantastic. And she who does the podcast production, and I had a really good call on Friday. And she was talking about you know how to how best to approach the production and the rollout of the podcast. So there'll be a couple of changes in that respect, too, because one of the reasons I went onto this pause was, I was literally recording episodes at the last minute, essentially. And I had a bit of a bad day, on Monday when I didn't release the first podcast on the following Wednesday. And I didn't really have anything in the bank as it were to share with you. So I will be making a change in that respect. So I'll perhaps do a little bit of pre-recording, and have some evergreen episodes ready to share in case something happens going forward. So hopefully won't see that sort of hiatus happen too much more. So there we go. So go series to look forward to there. What I'm also going to do, I'm going to close the show by sharing just a very brief clip, I think it's a co has about four or five minutes of the latest property voice apprentices you're gonna hear from we're five people, but four groups, if you like participant Sergio Lee, Nana, and Emily, who are a couple and Daniel in a second. And this was recorded a couple of weeks ago, actually. And it was the kickoff call for the latest retreat, PVA six, we call it the sixth iteration of the property voice apprentice program. And these are the participants who are running with it for 100 days. So we're a little bit further on than when we recorded as I mentioned that they're going to tell you a little bit in their own words of what they're hoping to achieve from the program. So you can get to know them a little bit, their backgrounds, what they're looking to achieve. And maybe you can resonate with that and follow their journey a little bit as we share their development over the 100 days. Over the next few weeks, I'll interject a short clip just like this one. Now, and again, just so you've got some insight into that. But I'll leave it with that to cue up if you like ending the show. But I guess all that's left to say for me, there's a couple of show notes that are going to be referred to from or a couple of links rather, that will be in the show notes, which is referred to by Nana and Emily in particular, in the recording you're about to hear everything else that we're mentioning today that's relevant will be in the show notes as well, which will be found over the website, the property voice.net. And if you'd like to talk to me about anything to do with today's show, or property, investing more generally, you know, you can reach me personally podcast at the property voice.net I'd be very happy to hear from you. And thanks very much to a couple of coin souls who reached out to me over the last couple of weeks to check on me and make sure everything was okay. I really appreciate that sentiment from you. It's not usual that I just disappear. And so I was grateful for you for checking in on me and making sure I was okay. That's very, very You know, heartfelt thank you for that Oh, and you know who you are. So that's, that's nice of you to reach out. But there we go. That's enough for me. I'll leave you with the apprentices and obviously our outro music in the usual way. But thanks very much once again for listening to this week. And until next time on the property boys podcast, is cha. Well, here we are, is the end of the first call on the property voice apprentice program. I'm just as lonely now. So get it right. And we've got most of the compliment of the group where there's one unfortunate couldn't join us today. But you might hear him on a subsequent episode, we just finished a two-hour session. And so everyone's probably feeling a bit tired and beaten up. But I've made them stick around, just so that they can give a brief introduction about themselves, which is 13 days into the 100-day program, it's going to tell you a little about a little bit about themselves. I'm going to kick off with Sergio over to you.
Okay, so my name is Sergio. I'm 2929 years of age, and I'm based in London. My main goal is to achieve 5000 pounds per month by age 35. My objective for the 100-day program is to clarify what the best strategy is for me to achieve this goal, which it looks like it's going to be either a fleet BRS or financing more complex deals with JV partners. But also, I'd like to start the process of buying my own home and add some value to it. And as well to find on raise private investor finance. So far, after my conversations with Richard, this has helped me to widen my horizon and becoming aware of more options that I didn't know were available for me. And really being part of the program. I think it's going to increase my time thinking about property. It's gonna help me because I will have support for my group, and it will also add accountability to it, which it's definitely gonna speed things up. And that's it. Perfect, thanks,
Sergio. Yes, welcome to the group. And if you ask for accountability, we're going to give it to you. So thanks very much. Welcome, Sergio. And next up we have late
I am less age 30. From Bournemouth. Not sure about my strategy at the moment, my portfolio is okay, I could probably retire. But I have pretty big ambitions on maybe what to do in the future. I spoke with Richard roughly about an acceleration plan. So by age 35, I'm hoping to get roughly 200,000 pounds net a year from various property strategies. So yeah, that's me.
Thankfully, short, sweet. Hey. Welcome to the program. We'll work on those various strategies, I'm sure looking forward to it. No worries. And so next up, I'm not sure what are you going to do? How are you going to do it? But we've got none and Emily,
we manage? So I'm Emily, I'm 35 years old. And this is my beautiful fiance, Nana Nanaia 35 years old as well. Yeah, we have a company in the UK. We live in Sweden. So we overseas investors. And we also have a podcast and a YouTube channel. And our goal is to do full-time property to spend more time with our kids. Yeah.
So what we're hoping to learn in this program is more about different financing objects, objects, and different types of security towers, private investors. And our aha moment so far was when we had this, we thought that we had to create a vision board but it was instead a gold board. So yeah, we're looking forward to it. Then as Emily mentioned, we have the podcast, I guess, which I will put in the notes.
I will indeed but you can say what it's called and what your YouTube channel is and people can go find it for themselves.
Okay, so the YouTube channel is miracle properties Ltd. As companies are called. And the podcast is the ping of Florida podcast. And Richard is actually on it. You should listen to his episode. Yes. There you go.
So if nothing else, I'll share a link to that. And we get people into listening to it. So we'll make sure that they are in the notes for this for the show that we share this recording on. So thanks very much welcome both Natalie and Emily and Emily, I know that you're very heavily pregnant. So thank you so much for making it today. Were probably within maybe hours or weeks you were. So welcome both of you. You're welcome. And I guess that brings up Daniel, then Daniel, you're up next.
So Hi. Thanks, Richard. So my name is Daniel, I'm 52 years old. And I live in the Cotswolds. So my rough plan or my goal for this, I've had a lifetime in it, and its sales. I've had highs and lows in that career. And although it's a fairly lucrative career, I'm no longer excited by and I'm looking for an exciting career in property in a way out. I've had one property for a number of years, which was quite good for us. But I realized during that time, you know, my wife likes to do so much more and could learn more. So that's why I've joined this program. I don't know what my strategy is yet, because really at the start, and I'm a sponge for knowledge, but it looks like it might be BTS. HMOs short term, let's my objective of this program is to understand the processes understand how to model deals, how to evaluate how to pick, you know, good, good property investment strategies, and to work with other people, I was really keen on the networking side of this, to hear other people's experiences and see how they've gone about their journey. So that's the aim for a breakthrough moment for me. I mean, on one of the first calls I had with Richard, we quickly took an example of one property that we assessed in Gloucester. And Richard said, simply, if you took this deal, and you looked at the short term, let viability of this and he quickly taught through that deal to a point that actually was a fairly small investment with a good wind and it can it running to the right way. There, you've immediately got a strategy for one BTO that can make you some good money. And that was a, you know, that was new to me. So that's what I'm looking forward to. So that's me.
That's like, Daniel, thanks very much for that share. Yes, I remember that. Yeah, whizzing through a deal, was a bit of a high-risk thing to do in life, but there was a lot of fun. So and talking about a lot of fun, it's been a lot of fun to have you all on this call today. It's gonna be a lot of fun and how long it has been to work with you. I'm looking forward to the next, the remainder of the 100 days, we're 13 days in. So obviously, we've got 87 days remaining. I nearly got that wrong as a pretend to be a finance guy. But it would have been quite embarrassing if I didn't know how many days remaining, wouldn't it but we can all relax down now because I'm going to stop the recording. I really appreciate you sticking around to the end of the call the group Call today to do that recording so that people on the podcast could get a small insight into you at the start of the journey and manage and watch your journey over the next 100 days or so. Thank you very much, everyone.
Thank you for listening today. Now head over to thepropertyvoice.net. For more inspirational content and get updates through our mailing list. Join us next time on the property boys podcast. And if you enjoyed the show, please don't forget to rate us on iTunes.