" Less fluff, more stuff "
~ Damien Fogg ~
Motivation Monday - Richard's Insight
I was in Florida, USA last week, along with Damien Fogg. We were having one of our regular 'summit meetings' where we realign and refocus every 3-4 months or so.
Damien often comes out with some gems, sometimes they hit you right between the eyes in their brutal honesty, which I admire in him. This one is one such brutally honest quote!
In case it needs further explanation, it is all about taking action and talking less. To be honest, both Damien and myself can talk, especially when it comes to property! So, we have to remind ourselves sometimes that whilst doing things may not always be based on a perfect set of circumstances, that by taking action now we can get perfect later.
Anyone that has read the book The Lean Startup by Eric Ries will be aware of the concepts: the /minimum viable product' and 'pivoting'. It is how many tech startups operate, they get something basic done and then test it in the market, making adjustments as they get real life feedback as they go. Both Damien and myself think this is a fantsatic concept and hence, Damien's short form line: less fluff, more stuff, which speaks directly to what this principle is all about.
How can you apply this 'less fluff, more stuff' principle to your life to become more productive today then?