"Everything changes, nothing remains without change."
- Buddha
Motivation Monday - Richard's Insight
The only constant in life is change. As humans, sometimes we resist or struggle to cope with change and yet, it is one of life's certainties that we will encounter or need to 'endure' change if we are to survive and thrive.
In fact, I would go on to say, we must not only 'endure'change...we must actively seek it out and embrace it in order to adapt and grow. We have all heard the saying 'if it ain't broke, then don't fix it', however, this to me goes against the principles of excellence, or Kaizen, as the Japanese like to call continuous improvement. That principle says that we can and indeed should improve all things, gradually and steadily.
There may be priorities in our life, along with some consistencies...at least for a time...but sure enough, sooner or later change will come around to create a new order, rhythm and set of circumstances to deal with. Some things we can and should control, whilst other things happen outside of our direct control and could even come as a shock. Whichever the case may be, we should be ready to respond to, or even direct our path, in advance of these changes....because...nothing 'remains without change'. Or, to put it another way...nothing can survive unless it adapts to the changes in the environment it is in. This is true of plant life, the animal kingdom and most of all with us as thoughtful, growing people, on our own journey through life.
The decision and in turn our choice, therefore, is this: embrace change or risk extinction, as we are now at least.
-Richard W J Brown