"Do not let what you can not do interfere with what you can do."
-John R. Wooden
Motivation Monday - Richard's Insight
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."
I love this little quote, which runs a little deeper than it first appears I think.
Of course, the obvious ‘do what you can’ part is clear. However, the overcoming what you cannot is what really got me thinking about this today.
First, there is the psychology of focus on cans rather than cant’s – good old positive thinking, which can become an affirmation or mantra of sorts…’what CAN I do, focus on what I CAN do>’.
Second, is more of a creative problem solving approach that arises: ‘how can I overcome what I cannot do?’ The answer to this question could come in several different ways. For example, we could improve and get better ourselves to overcome the issue. This may mean gaining more knowledge or experience, or take on a coach or mentor for example. We can also look at using systems to make our life easier, especially if the reason that we cannot do something is down to time factors. Setting up an automated system can help to leverage our personal time…even when we are sleeping. Then we can delegate or outsource the issue to someone else instead. Give the problem away to someone better equipped to deal with the matter and job done!
In a recent example, I have just completed on a conversion flip project where nearly all of the above ideas came into play. Each project presents another learning opportunity, so that was the me getting better bit. In terms of systems, we have a deal sourcing system in place that helps us to sift opportunities down to a short list of viable options to review more deeply. Then the delegate and outsource element involves having a site manager running the team of contractors and a VA running the opportunity assessment system, not to mention the many different partners that we use on each project (finance, legal, estate agents and so on).
I cannot, or choose not to, do all of the elements mentioned above and so I am actively looking at ways to get these projects done more efficiently and effectively each time.
I know what I can od and I also know what I cannot do too…but rather than running away from what I cannot do, I often flip this around into a problem to solve: ‘how can I overcome this?’ It works pretty well for me…how about you?