"Do what you love.
Know your own bone; gnaw at it,
bury it, unearth it, and gnaw it still."
~ Henry David Thoreau ~
Motivation Monday - Richard's Insight
There are several variations on a theme around doing what you love and following your passions, with it never feeling like you are working really. I am very happy to operate in that space these days 🙂
What I particularly like about this quote is that, doing what you love alone is not quite the end of the story. We need to get good at it, be very familiar with it, review, refine and perfect it as well.
That sounds a bit like a dog with a bone then isn't it?
Yep, a dog with a bone is a great picture of what doing what you love and then making it into something truly rewarding actually looks like in reality.
Go find your bone then!