"Good intentions might sound nice, but its positive
actions that matter."
∼ Tim Fargo ∼
Motivation Monday - Richard's Insight
The biggest self-lie ever told is 'I will try'. Will you try and carry on, really? I doubt it...I know from personal experience that when I utter the words 'I will try', that it is not a definite commitment at all and I am already letting myself off.
Next in line is 'I want'. Yep, another self-lie, unless it relates to consumer spending that is!
Finally, 'I'll get around to it'...well you just won't, OK!
My business partner, Damien Fogg, has been coining a phrase recently...'Do something'. He doesn't mean it in a non-descriptive or aggressive sort of way, he means do anything, but just do something positive or practical toward achieving your goals.
Once we start doing something, we automatically change our state of energy from thought to action. Action helps us to overcome the initial inertia of doing nothing and then momentum carries us forward more easily after we have started. It's the law of the metaphysical world as well as the physical world you see.
I hear so many people espouse the virtues of positive self-talk and visioning and whilst there is a lot of truth and merit in the power on our minds of practising these things, quite frankly you can't dig a hole or drive a car by giving yourself a pep-talk or imagining it done!
So, I buy into the idea of doing something...if you really want to bring about a change, then you actually have to take practical action to make it happen. It involves some effort, work and commitment on our part. But, just as endorphin kicks in when we exercise to help us feel good about a workout, the same is true of doing anything practical that takes us closer to our objectives and goals. When we do something, we then feel good and better about ourselves and then we do a little more somethings and finally we are on a roll towards realising those good intentions in reality not just in our heads...