We have Anthony Boyce, Paul Million, Craig Mitchell, Ryan King and myself to bring a balanced and at times forthright perspective to the topic of marketing in our property businesses.
What is marketing? Where do we tend to hang out? What are you currently doing and is it working? Some top tips and wise words too.
Join us as we delve into the topic of property marketing and hear what the panelists have to say…just one takeaway will make you glad you did!
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Transcription of the show
We have Anthony Boyce, Paul Million, Craig Mitchell, Ryan King and myself to bring a balanced and at times forthright perspective to the topic of marketing in our property businesses.
What is marketing? Where do we tend to hang out? What are you currently doing and is it working? Some top tips and wise words too.
Join us as we delve into the topic of property marketing and hear what the panelists have to say…just one takeaway will make you glad you did!
Property Chatter
Welcome to the property voice podcast helping you to navigate safely through the world of property investing, get the lowdown and updates, insights, and outcomes on all matters property with a splash of entertainment along the way, the property voice or voice to trust among the crowd. Now, let's get started with your host, Richard Brown.
Hello, and welcome to another episode of the property voice podcast. My name is Richard Brown. And as always, it's a pleasure to have you join me again on the show today. It's always a kind of a weird one when I'm doing these panel discussions because it got for people looking at me going there's x guy doing his intro live, and What a weirdo. But there we go. It's great to have you on the show again today. This series is all about property core skills. And today we're going to be talking about marketing. And so I've got some great panelists joining me today. We got Anthony Boyce, Paul million, Craig Miller, and Ryan King. So hey, James, how are you doing? Thank you. As we normally do, we normally kick off with a quick introduction and just go around the room, so to speak. And Anthony, if you just like to lead us off? Who are you and what you're about in property?
Sure. So I'm Anthony. I am an architectural design business owner by trade. I invest in vital acts HMOs commercial to residential developments. conversions. A little bit very thing I also co-host networking events in the northeast of England. Yeah, so pretty much property for free. Really.
Thanks, Anthony. Appreciate that. And Paul,
I love that. So I'm Paul Millie and also from Darlington, I run the property thing network with the Anthony vise. And I also run the property developers network northeast, which is a white box thing. And yes, I've been a landlord for 30 years. And yeah, I've got a portfolio of single let's HMOs light industrial. And yeah, we're going forward with some commercial conversions apart-hotels, that kind of thing. So thanks for having me tonight.
more than welcome. Good to see you again. Paul. Craig.
David. Yeah, I'm not Craig Miller. Yeah, I'm 20 years property. My mind always goes blank when it comes to this 20 years property.
Building now building houses of a portfolio of HTML single last commercial. We specialize in commercial to resident refurbs I've got a lettings agency. various bits and bobs everything within property. Really? Yeah. keep enjoying and doing what? Yeah.
Sounds good. And
if I'm not mistaken, you've got a certain name or handle on Instagram. Is that right?
Yorkshire property investor. Yeah. Yorkshire property
investor. I'm sure we come to that. So thanks crazy. Because they're not good. Anyway, thanks for joining us today. We appreciate it. And Ryan, let's bring you in. How are you doing?
Yeah, even Richard, thank you for having me here. Unlike everyone else that is not a property investor. Yeah, unfortunately. I'm 24 currently an accountant living in Hertfordshire but I do have a financial education platform called making money simple across all different social media YouTube, tik tok, Instagram. Part of that is some sort of property education. Yeah, so no properties Yep. Hopefully, I can sort of come in from a different angle on this marketing chat tonight.
Absolutely. Well welcome everybody I think different angles are probably what we're talking about. Right? So you know, I'm poor for example, you started speaking when I was talking to you about this episode. You know, we were talking about what is marketing and I'm not going to answer the same question that you answered but you know, what is marketing is this you know, for just going around the table what is people's definition of what marketing is? And particularly from, let's say a property perspective, what would you say?
So marketing is living your values and putting your product across whatever that may be. But I think there are lots of different angles of it. You know, as we spoke about the other day, it's not just about putting your own personal brand out there it's about putting your own product out there and that of sometimes other people's products Yeah, just think it's actually quite surprised to be asked on to a marketing chapter there, Richard, because don't do write a lot of it if I'm honest with you, but I suppose the reason why you may have asked me on is that I do have a bit of a personal brand. You know, we've been part of the property thing with Anthony as well. And we've become fairly popular in the networking world. But, you know, we haven't got hundreds of 1000s of followers or anything like that. Not like, you know, Craig, I'm not sure about Ryan, he sounds like one of those young whippersnappers, with a lot of followings. But, again, we're just pretty organic, can't we? Anthony, the way that we set up ourselves across them, we get lots and lots of people to our, our meetings. And I think it is about being organic. I mean, that's why I craved a smile on Instagram because it is just, it's just 100% organic, and you can just see that he's just a genuine fella missing out on diggers and stuff. And that's what people like to see building houses etc. Being actually I suppose, with a bit of a laugh and laugh on the joke as well.
I mean, the market inside I mean to me is is I suppose it is a knee, deep thing, really, when you think about him, I just post what I do. And if people get enjoyment from that, the Latins, obviously the market within Latins is I don't have anything to do with it. But obviously, you've got to be out there and keep your name on what you are. But it's Yeah, for me personally, it's just that took off. No intention for it. So I just post what I do every day and put my spin on it and just be straight and upfront, and honest and no bullshit. Really, it's, that's all I do with that. And that seems to work better than anything.
Yeah, I'm saving it all up just waiting for you to respond and get the question answered. And then, you know, perhaps a little bit of a summary. But there's some really good stuff already coming out.
Yeah, I would just say marketing is ultimately matching buyers and sellers. But people really bind to people so I'm going to sell a book through my Instagram. People buy more because of me and because they support me and follow the journey over the years Rob Simmons, Craig, Sam, really, rather than necessarily by just because, like they want to they buy into you, they trust you and what you sort of spread and your values. So I'd say a lot of you can do organically, it's probably easier rather than spending, I guess, loads of money on ads, paid ads, Facebook ads, and going down that route. But I say ultimately, yeah, it's just essentially matching buyers and sellers.
Come on over to me and say, Do I need to chip in? Yeah, well, it's attracting people to either yourself or a service or a product that you're, you're offering, isn't it? I think just to echo what Paul has said, I mean, I don't see myself as a terrific marketer. A bit like Craig you know, myself and Paul, we just go about property day to day is to property buffoons, you know, we kind of what is it? I won't say the full title years, but BFA is eight, basically, we just crack on have a laugh. And sort of people seems to like what we do really. So sort of, as Ryan was saying there as well, it's, it's kind of organic growth, rather than paying for clicks and that kind of thing. I think that's the best way of promoting yourself personally, I think,
without being bigoted, as far as Anthony and I are concerned, and as well, it's like, we'll, we'll stop to help other people being time. And I think, I think it's not that we're out there to get what's it called? No, no, like, and trust, it's not that we necessarily are desperate to get known, liked, and trusted. Apart from in our own sort of little circle of people, I mean, you know, we get, we get 100 people to our networking events, and we do a group and circle of death, which means everyone's got to save 20 seconds about themselves. Like if we get any more people in the room. We, you know, we're going to struggle with that it's going to be ended up taking an hour. So we're now looking for ways of, well, how can we help more people. And we've got 2000 people, I think, on our Facebook page, which we've actually kept to a bit of a minimum, we haven't just left all and sundry in there, you know, we didn't necessarily want to be one of these massive property pages, with, you know, 36,000 people on there or anything like that, there's no need for that we'd rather just have a smaller bunch of people and just be a bit more organic like that. I mean, the opportunity that comes from that is, is more than we'd ever need Anyway, you know, so I don't see there's a point in thrashing our market in left, right and Chelsea for the sake of what you know, just creating ourselves another job. We just exist nicely in our ecosystem. No.
Yeah, a few people have mentioned the word organic already. But you know, it's interesting because when I'm listening to you talk about being organic, and I guess the translation of that would be probably just being more human and connecting with other humans. So you've kind of got some sort of relationship almost right? rather than putting a bot out there is doing ads and then just getting a bunch of clicks and followers in, you know, something robotic? You know, that's not very human is it? So if you're talking about having relatively speaking small group to 1000s, quite a lot to remember all their names, by the way, as I can vouch for, you know, yeah, exactly. So I think the other thing is, you know, it's an exchange that Ryan talks about, isn't it, somebody buys something, somebody sells something. So you have this an exchange. And marketing is a way that makes that exchange work makes it possible, you know, you tell someone, hey, I've got something. And then the other person says, Hey, I need something. And then you put the two together, but I think I'm picked up basically, and you are ahead by design. Because you're not, from what I can understand that I don't know, everybody's exact approach, but you're very human, in the way you go about things. And, you know, I think it's kind of it's very relatable. So there's a lot of people who've been in property, they're not just starting out, for example, and they're probably thinking, well, I can't go and commission an ad agency, you know, to spend 10,000 pounds on you know, whatever I look, for example, looks like half in Apple and you know, it's about putting yourself out there isn't it and just being human and you know, starting to build a relationship with other people. And out of that relationship, things could come. So I think, you know, is that that's is that right about the organic thing? Is that what you mean is it I think,
I think from my point of view, personally, is that I just, I like to help people anyway, it gives me validation, what I don't want to do is for everyone who comes into my view or onto my page or to our networking events, we're not trying to sell anyone anything, we Anthony and I only set up the property thing because of the fact that other PP ends and pins are closed down in the northeast and all of a sudden No, we were enjoying that work and then it didn't happen anymore. So we set up our own group which has ended up being really popular and we don't try and you know, apart from taking 20 people 20 quid off people to come to the networking event and 40 quid for a sidewalk round which is about a fifth of the cost of other people's sidewalk rounds which goes into the overhead projects fund. Whether made by ourselves some sausage finger capable technology or also the tech Buffon's we yeah we don't look to make money out of people like that but we do get good opportunity for it you know we're not saying we don't lookout for a bit of opportunity but we help tons and tons and tons of people and if we get to ask the universe for people to help us when we need like a QSR Can someone help us with this problem I can even someone help that person with that problem. You know, it's just been a bit of an again organic happy family really and because of that we ended up coming into contact with people a great you know, I could say Craig Craig Can you call and do a chat next week or yourself Richard you can do a great chat shaker does that. But yeah, I mean, to be able to call upon people and the power of the network it's been fantastic I mean, some of the stuff that we've shared Richard in the past like little hints and tips if you're off down now just seeing your post go-to songs or songs or while you're there, I'll get that book I listened to this. It's just all part of a real sort of wider brain network which I know is getting off-market in a little bit, but it is all about the organics 100%
I'm glad you're organic. So in order to get back onto the marketing and because you know, I've got this quote, right, Robert Louis Stevenson I think that's how you say his name properly. Everybody lives by selling something. What do you think of that?
Yeah, sort of like echoed a little bit like a really good book called never split the difference, and that book sort of says that everyone you like everything is a negotiation whether you're like trying to cross the road or get a girlfriend or get a job or whether you're trying to do you're always trying to negotiate something and I guess a similar really similar quote saying everyone's trying to sell something always got to try and sell yourself to get in a position you need to be ultimately got to market yourself mark your business model for your new product market, your property investment group wherever it is. You've got to make work people want to come for some reason and probably even if they pay a dividend for free, you got to sort of market it and sell it in some way that people don't want to turn up and come and support you.
Yeah, I think you know, this is probably going to split opinion isn't it because there's probably a lot of people don't like the idea of selling you know, think of it maybe as a bit of a dirty word or something. But you know, I put that quote out there deliberately because it a bit provocative. You know what he what the rest of you guys think Ryan you obviously buy into a bit of never split the diff Prince What about the rescue guys? Everybody lives by selling something
I mean for me I think the art of selling is to not sell so I mean going back to what Paul was mentioning before and you know when certain people are out to sell something might be eye members and things like that you know they're very you know why people are recommending people and things like that I guess why people come to people like Craig and Paul it's you know, people just like them were saying about organic and being human I guess that's probably the best flow in my eyes anyway the best way of marketing yourself if you haven't got something to sell you don't feel like you're being sold to you kind of gravitate towards them I think that's my
guy I've ever sold anything it's when people I've seen people fishing for investors and stuff and that's what they're constantly pushing. I think over the I think it's about four or five years since I mainly pushed Instagram I've left Facebook just because there's too much noise too much. I don't say probably negativity just I don't know what it is people just jump on people's back and it's bullshit whereas Instagram for me it's been a bit more gradual but I've not oversold it and I've had I've never asked for an investor I did recently just to try it with a friend so this is how easy it can be but it takes this long to build it oh I've had people come to me say I've got this amount of money can you do anything with it? I've seen your project and that's just been consistent with posting what I do I've never once asked for it. I mean think of minute mo about probably about 1.5 million in with investors crazy absolutely crazy but I said to a friend watch operate out and 800,000 over a term of whatever it was over a return and watch and we found delight all over the next couple of days I've got probably 1010 messages with more info when it's it's that it's a gradual thing and I think people just assume in our game it's an instant thing and it hasn't been for me anyway and it's never been something I've set out for the artist thing for me I think is
it's powerful isn't it a big following you and I had a conversation one day Craig we did a bit of an experiment I think where you tagged me in something and I tagged doing something and like yeah, I've only got 700 followers on Instagram. But you know I've got like 100 followers overnight just tagging you in and that's what it's about isn't it coming if you want to increase your following its consistency and posting again people have been following other people I will
I will lay down the poll in Cyprus from your wife and I think I followed 180 400 polls and I said to him I say what I'm going to try this and just post what I do when gradually it's I mean it's your shots and 1000s I mean our my people follow me I don't know it's I mean I put content I like to put by your by always try and be me and I've never wants to ask for anything it's just sitting in a coffee shop or and that's I'm going to be selling but I'm gonna be selling cake and sausage sandwiches and stuff like that where hopefully that again they sell themselves but it's yeah it's happened with with a marketing I just think oh god I've never done it I've bought one year old me oh I do it every day on a on a different way I mean banners are everywhere in the local area make sure if there's a fence I go and speak to owner constant and banner Oh can I get this Can I advertise that speak to everybody and make it my business to note in my area and all the businesses are owned businesses and and again that's probably on Mac it's putting yourself out there and that's
It not like no interest though isn't it but obviously please don't forget to mention your Robin's
not running at the moment she's had a bad winter and never got it going summer
it's been some of our managing castles it definitely the ecosystem
it's a cracking little market I mean it turns out it's I've just set a few more labs on so I'm shooting for the vehicle so I need to get that going and I'm quite happily driving around in a robin Reliant and you've got to have a cordless drill with you because the gearbox drops out so you've got to be able to screw it on screw it when you're a traffic light.
Is that a Trotter
straight black and sticking it out with Jim key it's got an old wooden ladder and old rusty rule for step ladder on it and very light people some very light found it. But the idea is it breaks down everywhere just gets packed off. It's Yeah, it's just one of them. We're up hooked made probably cost me a couple of grand but it's wherever I park it somewhere I'll roll it over it's but it gets people talking so just a bit
just to go I mean we're kind of the Robin or the Instagram or things like that as you know what I call marketing channels where you say stuff or communicate but I think before that we were sort of talking about you know just tell people what you do or show people how you live or just be natural right? So is that what pretty much most people here do or is there a slightly different take on it from different people?
I prefer the first book to insert I think one of the girls I think you nail Instagram of Africa I always said that. I think we walk the amount you do what you do I think you're I think you've nailed that I think you're born you're born maybe you out above me with your knowledge and your content Have you been over 10 years on me and I've always said it sorted you and as soon as I saw you're on it you just seem to dip in and out.
I do dip in and out I like to write what I'm thinking like with MC you don't get that much room to
think it's the picture of pulling it in and then it's the content you put with it and I think you get a lot of engagement certain post I've done I mean I know what pitchers work on what doesn't is where does is a pitcher of an hour's work better than a picture of me. pitcher Madog stuff the certain stuff that takes and gets people engaged but yeah, getting your word in and how you word and how you go off in a fairy tale is how do you find
the correct for getting employees and stuff like that I've had some really good employees and business partners from I get
a lot of people constantly asking for work and if we haven't met yet, I mean that is I don't want to I don't really get welds that way. But I do get a lot of people basically buttering me up to train if there's any work we're not going to think of them and stuff like that. Right? I think we've had this conversation before we get a lot of newbies How did it start with it and it's hard I mean if you put a post on about um you might get 2030 messages and then to sit and go through them with a young family and it's hard sometimes to get back to everybody so occasionally I'll put a post I'm not ignoring your stat and I've been said to for that identity or to be I think we said before but we felt as though we're getting melt constantly far as knowledge in no we don't get anything product in minutes I don't mind the odd bit it's hard sometimes just to throw you need to throw hours and hours elbow in and you've done the great thing we've set a group I just haven't got time to spend our time really we what I've got on
the last you know there's some interesting things coming out here because we're starting to talk about the channels and there was a debate Paul you'd be really good at instead I'm not sure what we're good at because I like writing but we're going to call it you know that is about the channel and picking the right channel that works for you. So you know Instagram is known as you know very much a visual channel isn't it's not a graphics a lot of photos or visual videos stuff like that. And Paul's just said that I like writing and he can probably do both but you know maybe there are other platforms where writing you know is better suited you know I'm more of a writer myself for example. So you know I tend to
refer to because I don't she says very big talk I think everybody a lot of it is visual in it and this
is picked up the account
Yeah, I've tried but I'm
having tape so it's probably the real estate if you want to sort of go viral or get a lot of reach and engagement TED Talk is the best platform by like a million compared to the other ones because you can post something and then overnight it can literally get hundreds of 1000s of views 1000s of shares particularly if it's all like a funny spin on it maybe like Tron make a bit quirky a bit unique it then just gets shared around like mad
because I know a lot of property people have been talking a lot of time at it but it's again it's
I suppose like stalking again and I just probably like you Paul, we just think you've nailed Facebook I'm happy in that place there. I'm happy on Instagram and then venture over but I know of the change the reels and everything on Instagram. So it's similar to Tick Tok. Yeah,
well that I mean that's one thing you could do. You could make an Instagram rule and then just repost it to tick tok and then you've already made of Instagram so you can sort of crossbreed and use it for social media platforms.
Yeah. And he's telling what you do, telling people what you do as well. I'm actually on the lookout at the moment well, as well as for a project manager. I'm on the lookout for a screen editor, you know, like social media kind of wizard cool, just kind of look after everything from start to finish because I've been told that I'm very good at mincing and doing silly things on videos for properly and in that respect, I'd probably do all right on Tick tok, well, I mean, you know, I don't mind making a bit of a sausage of myself every now and again, but not totally fast. I think I think I think a lot of people do it in a kind of completely fast manner. You know, just in order to get that those laughs You know, you can sort of do that in a bit of a more natural way. And especially I think you bring in loans to people I think that's what this organic thing is about. It's about not just sort of telling people what you do necessarily, but if there's an education in there if there's a sound bite of education in there for everyone that the content with them and, you know, fair play, so we'll have to set each other a challenge Won't we will have to, we'll have to get some of us on Tick Tok and what are we reporting in a week? See what see how we've got a digger or something?
Let's bring Ryan into it again, because well, I know Ryan, you said you don't actually invest in a property right now. But you're from what I can understand you're monetizing the platform you're what you're making money simple. And eventually, I think you'll probably be able to strip out money to put to invest in your properties along with your other activities. But what I like about what you do is you do have these you mentioned quirky sorts of snippets and stuff like that. Remember, famously watching the ones where you got the dogs running around the kitchen and they're like doing handbrake turns if you can imagine running around the kitchen counter and stuff like that. So is that something you deliberately do you try and find quirky or funny types of things to include in your messaging?
Yeah, so one constant is fairly sort of like simple straightforward financial education invest in the sort of pieces trying to get people to invest but what you're referring to there is when I post means so I obviously use Twitter and Social Media just personally, whenever I see sort of a funny video or funny picture I want to try and think about how I can then be like a funny invest in or personal finance spin on it, then if I can, oh, then yeah, share that on Instagram tik tok wherever it is, and that's sort of one way I guess with like different social media channels. You're really just almost trying to get people to sort of get onto your page but then once they're on your page, then they can sort of see what you're about what you're sharing. So they find me for a meme then see my tic Tock or Instagram and realize I'm just sort of trying to I'm just sharing what I invest into how much fun that's per month what platforms I use what pension is how what did how different types of viruses work I guess I'm still using them to like quirky bits and then like memes and sort of funny videos then sort of bring people into almost help them be like Paul Sam really just help them get started invest them at the moment Yeah, it's in the stock market but hopefully over time as I monetize it more I can then yeah, start making some money and use that for property investing.
Yeah, and just a quick shower when you and don't really embarrass you or anything but you know, what's your sort of follower count at the moment on I know insert is one big one but I think total as well perhaps it puts to shame
Instagram is 40,000 share that literally yesterday and then sex ops about 35,000
amazing yeah amazing and that's you know, you know, I know you've been focusing on that What about a year or two max something
a bit similar to what Craig was saying that's all been years in the making. I mean, Instagram has been two and a half years well pretty much been uploading daily. I've got about 700 posts now Instagram, tik tok been around for about 18 months have uploaded hundreds and hundreds of videos on signal you can do this thing as well where people leave a comment you're going to reply directly to their comment answering their questions which a lot of them sort of videos while they get any views but we're making hundreds of videos and sort of over time, just like anything really the compound effect is sort of slowly built up to where now I've got some decent numbers but yeah, it's still sort of very much in its infancy and just trying to grow and build up the platform over time.
Now coming back to Craig I think you know, you were saying Craig that it's not easy he takes time takes time to reply to everyone and it takes time to you know, put stuff online and you've got to be fairly consistent about it is that fair to say?
mean that I got some time when I try and post every day. But I think since I've started this bleeding newbuild My mind is fried and I've been struggling with I may have a lot of content because I do take a lot of pictures just to document just to give me a bit of a boost every now and when I feel resigned on anything. But it's Yeah, the consistency of it is I tried twice a day but you tend to make yourself a job then trying to win Make sure you're keeping stuff in from. Yeah, it's kind of definitely consistency. And just
I think a good thing about the social channels similar to what Craig was saying earlier on, as well as once you sort of have them for a few years and build up a following, you can just leverage them. So you're sort of giving out loads of content for free. And it goes to Craig was saying he's got investors and people want to work for him with me. It's not at that point at the moment, but I'm able to sort of like put up a story if anyone can't design my ebook my new ebook cover if anyone knows any accounts and I'm looking for specific sort of questions someone a friend's got a question I know the answer I can post on my story and I'll get loads of responses and sort of leverage that and people also want to give back because you've helped them over the years in any form leverage that following didn't help out yourself or sort of people have questions that need answers from and you can use your following to do that.
When it comes to your property journey me with 40,000 followers you probably get some pretty cheeky crowdfunding going on that hopefully, you can get there's a lot of people in there that would be you know, maybe willing to JV you know,
do you manage them yourself then or as you know, like Craig was saying that you know, it can become even for me, I've got just under 200 and free followers on Instagram so be that boys. But yeah, making content it does seem like a chore sometimes. So if you've got that many followers, you know, do you outsource it? Did you film it yourself? You know, what, what do you do? How do you kind of get into that routine of posting?
Yeah, I do for myself at the moment, I sort of don't I think ideally, if I was able to make enough money from it, I would then outsource it and free up some more of my time. And I think one thing I mentioned earlier on I do quite a lot, it's all like cross like sort of breed the different pieces of content so I tweet something, I can screenshot that tweet and put it on Instagram, I can then make like a 32nd-second talk explaining that tweet in more detail is something more complicated like a setting up a workplace pension, I can make like a five or 10 minute YouTube video on it. So I sort of try and sort of like yeah, use the same bit of topic for several pieces of content. But I think yeah, it's all one of the things where you sort of got put in a big shift in the evenings after work between like seven and many of you go to bed and it was quite as easy to over lockdown doing that when we couldn't do anything it's a bit harder now that things have reopened again, but I think we just saw called find the time to do it and I think if you're interested in it like I'm interested in investing in the stock market are you guys interested in the property while your host events then you sort of find the time to do it and then over time, build that following and then over time sort of extends different social networks to try and reach more and more people
so Anthony, come on we didn't mean embarrass you by you admitting that you only got 207 or whatever it was followers on Instagram I know you've got more on other channels so I've seen you quite a lot on LinkedIn for example. With your cheeky videos in your children you're extending poll thinking actually that sounds wrong and then she's explaining what your extended impulse thingy is all about follow up I have a selfie stick Richard that's probably why I've only got 250 followers on Instagram because I've seen my selfie stick you do post I've seen your post and you do like your latest project sort of thing and this is what we're going to do you do the walk around. And then you'll share a design you know, you talk about I've seen you talk about different ways in which you've structured deals, you know, do sort of land jayvees and you know, planning uplift types of gain see I'm paying attention. But the most I've seen you're mostly on LinkedIn, LinkedIn, I think so but maybe you're posting every everywhere but I just happen to see you on LinkedIn. So wherever you're posting and what sort of things you're doing.
I think it must be my only follow up and that's probably why you're seeing me but I guess I mean, this internal struggle you know, as Craig mentioned, with Facebook, you kind of go well I go through cycles of sometimes the negativity and things kind of get on top of you. I need to I guess do what Ryan's doing. So I and Paul are guilty of maybe putting outposts that are too long for cross-pollination between social media so when we do a Facebook post and it's a long article, it's a long post-LinkedIn kind of stifles your ability to copy and paste which is frustrating and it needs rewriting. I mean, I guess one of the last videos I did on YouTube was a good 30 minutes long so it's, I guess it's probably me trying to get my head around how I can carve this up to put it on different platforms which would be beneficial, but I mean for me as well. Another thing I always wonder about is I mean, I haven't got as big a following as some of them on here, but how much work do you want. I'm already quite busy with the smartphone and I've got so I don't really want to push it out too much because I don't want to be dealing with 25 people a day in messages and that kind of thing so I don't know you guys I put it to you guys that you're not too scared of getting too big I mean I'm already getting JV investors and attracting investment and that kind of thing with minimal content I'm putting out are you guys flooded with offers you're too busy replying to people I know Paul is Craig's mentioned as well.
I sometimes think why the hell am I doing it? Because I don't need any money I don't need any work I don't need we're self-efficient we do his own stuff now it's and I do sometimes when I feel as I've got up on my Why am I doing it yeah it's bizarre sometimes but when
do you not think one day though Craig you might you know if you could make a pound a month out of each one of those people that are on your you know if you had a YouTube channel that was subscribed to or something like that that you would get good content you know, like proper learning content the facts and figures sharing the facts and figures
everybody does on the property and I'm probably gonna sound a bit daft here but I've never done this for money I've never done property and when I asked yeah no no he
wasn't I think that's what people find the attraction is there you know you're not out to prove anything I mean you just you know you just be
an obvious turned into something that I never ever thought it would do.
Yeah. I do something called Real Property people on a Tuesday night it's just a free zoom there's no you know, I don't record it what what goes on in real property people stays in real property people and it's just Yeah, but you know, sometimes we'll have a special guest on we'll talk about suspensions or we'll talk about pain points in property you know, I'll talk about the other week I talked about some guy that's much my house and to himself out the front window on a pile of furniture that he created and you know, in 30 years of being a landlord that was my worst experience but it's it's good you know, think people ask me at the end you know, stay on for 10 minutes so they're probably problems and it's up till just good provenance for when I need to ask them about something you know, the might be sort of a cross pollination of skills you know, it's just the opportunity that it's like building your Power Team if you like from all of my employees of the tools all of my office stuff have come from networking meetings, my network you know, social media that kind of thing because you just get to ask a massive audience that's where it's been really powerful for me
I mean all the property friends I've got like you guys here now it's all been proven social media. Yes. It's brilliant that I've met so many really good friends where you can ask a daft question now rose years and years ago I can find anything out now and we all this technology and stuff I used to have a b&q buck back and revamp how to do stuff, you know, different it's bizarre how it's come about. But one of the main things I think that social media is is the friends as created and the journeys you get to see them go through is really good. So that's probably another good point where I could never dip away from it because I like to see what people are doing. And yeah, well when I can, and I do a lot still do random walkthroughs in the area, and if I feel some real need in an I mean, you know, Sarah, Sarah Juba. Yeah, well, she's, she was annoying me in social media and texting, as long as I hang up in time, just come to my office, sit in the office and follow maybe a shadow. And she did that for a year. And she's doing really well for me. It's, you don't get stuff from it.
It's a given again, you know, and I think one of the best ways to get is to give you know so you know, I think nearly all of you are very big givers. And I think you know, if you get something back in return, are you thoroughly deserved and answers just want to come back? You know, you're talking about the whole use of cross-pollination, which is interesting, but I mean repurposing content, which Ryan was talking about, we've taken a slur, taking a tweet to Insta to tick tok and all that stuff. I've got Gary Vee, you've heard of Gary Vee. Gary Vee, you know, he's, he's a master of this, right? And he talks about is it 14 pieces of content a day or something. But he doesn't literally produce 14 different pieces of content a day. He normally has one big piece, and then he slices it up, and then he distributes it out to the different platforms, and he's now got a team of people to help him do that. Because this is it's an awful lot of work but that whole repurposing thing but so you can go broad and go across different platforms and repurpose your content on those different platforms. But I think to start with is probably more advisable to stick with you you know stay in your lane sort of thing stick with what you know what you're comfortable with. You know when Paul you said earlier like writing well stay with writing for now and then you can expand you know, into other forms of media later on perhaps So anyway, I just thought I mentioned that, and if you want the I've got a deck that he produced. If you're interested. Antony, I'll gladly share it with you. Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks. Yeah, no worries. So we've got why do we do it? So sometimes we're questioning ourselves Where do we do it and we're not talking about dogging and you know, I think equally you know, it's like well you know, what's it all for and you know, what, what what's working for people right now and you know, in terms of marketing but a lot of us are talking about social media I've noticed that but the people doing other things besides social media and getting you to know, clients or investors or tenants or things like that, what are people doing is working right now.
I show my area with every type of thing I can do. boards, banners, roundabouts. I just do that in the area I don't we don't do any any paper for tenants and stuff is just utilizing banners and areas on good roadsides and just keeping the name in the area that if the thinking the NIDA room is so janky I'm changing I have been doing a lot of advertising for landlords which have now stopped and we're focusing more on now finding houses we buy houses and then they can be passed to landlords it just it's more lucrative that way bringing a landlord in properties 300 pound a month as an animal whereas if we saw so good property we don't do many but if we do one a month two round and we sign it up so it's 2300 so the my main focus now is is we buy commercial land and stuff like that and we get a lot from from that I mean I put free signs up on my site and we've got about I think it's a shot of four acres of land we've got in a pipeline where locals have said I've got this bit of land and stuff just people coming in and passing and seeing it so yeah I've overdone the banners and then I suppose in a way the free is free cheap easy changes whatever the banner is they've been really good direct vendor letters we do a lot of that through members going through clicking through members seeing what companies on what and just log in whatever else is and spending money on sending letters out yeah and that's that's pretty much all you do really within within that little world
well that that's pretty good answer to be honest with you but just one quick one before you ask the other people about what they're doing that's working you know your letters do do you personalize them? Do you handwrite them Do you do anything unique all
along written I mean I try and get stuff to make sure to try and send 10 hours a week and then briefs because with a tenancy is the attempt to know when they've been signed up and a rough idea when the camera running out so it's just a file later one later on do you need to be every six month name or even a nice Christmas won't tell him what we're doing we just try and be a bit more rich building that database of all rents and what in this area so I want to know every listing agent what's talking about in my area and just find out what are to let so you can be a bit more active with them then because you know you know every single I know pretty much every single HMO in area so yeah it's it's what active on that for not on a massive scale just again just barely away just drip feed the bike today the details I think three or four quid in a one on registry so I just said della Gil's do so many we can log it all so that we do call it envelope we're an unwritten, no bullets. There's always you always have paper and pen in a van or a car that helps staff if they see something, write it and post it. They work really well then we just well install what good stuff
well, what about everything else? What's working at the moment? That's a really good answer, Craig thanks.
I mean, I've just re rebranded I guess, just changed the logo and the colors and a couple of times, people have just come to me just due to that so that seems to work What have I done I mean I've just just put a board out on the local football team Darlington FC here so I'll see what comes through that that was literally a week or two ago I'm gonna get a leased car and get that stick it up well so that done yeah but I've had two people come say to me just saying I really liked the brand or the logo I like I like your crack basically as well just through the networking so I wouldn't say I'm as aggressive as maybe Craig is with with marketing but it's just I suppose getting your your brand or your colors or just awareness out there I think a lot of my stuff does come from obviously my association with the property thing and Polo people get to know me from what you say the minimum content I do put out and meet him in person I guess that's probably how I do a lot of my marketing it's just face to face with appointing me hands and having a chat really
yeah I think it's quality rather than quantity and I know what you mean by not being as aggressive as Craig because you haven't actually told us what you've run does Anthony rocket
yeah terrible actually promote
high quality I think God I'm going even further down to the way I think the best market now do is just by doing even site walkarounds for 20 people because you get into impart your intrinsic and in-depth knowledge if I do say so myself into because I've been doing research for 30 years and being able to take someone through that process from absolute start to finish you know Antonio pick three of our current projects in going and tech 20 on people around them talking about the planning implications you know the refurb implication structural movement absolutely everything from start to finish to get four hours of excellent content and I found that that I wasn't expecting it necessarily today I knew it was a good good thing to you know to recycle and put out there on social media but actually from the people in the room if you like on the walk around the amount of feedback that you like oh you know, could you give us 100 of this would you recommend someone for that? You know, would you mentor me kind of thing I mean we don't do memberships but I suppose what we are doing is just creating a kind of an ethos and a brand and that that trust when we do need to you know maybe we will do a mentorship program in the future if ever we're mad enough to do so you know, but but but at least if we do we'll have that provenance already of know what we're all about, or we think we do anyway. Yeah,
exactly. I think and I think you do and I think you found you know walk those walkarounds those one to one conversations for both of you just mentioned I'm sure it's the same with yours, as well. Great, you know, showing people your real-life and you know, your knowledge and the projects that you're working on. So I think that's yours I'm looking at this side of the screen, Ryan's got no idea that he's not on that side of the screen because I'm coming back to you Ryan, by the way. And you've got Anthony, you know, Paul and Cray, who kind of showing properties and you know, literally, these stories about you calling for Windows Paul and stuff like that, and just talking about the guts of property and stuff like that. So I'm just being real and just been connected in that way. But Ryan, I'm gonna bring you back as well what's working for you at the moment, because I know you're coming from slightly different angles, so maybe then we can learn some new things from the angle.
Yeah, I was gonna say probably a lot of the stuff that I sort of do is probably covered in how social media channels things. That's what I mainly do at the moment. But I think one thing, two things that came to mind, the first thing was probably similar thought really pause then, but meeting up with other people, not people who buy stuff from me, but other people who like make content also on investing in personal finance. So if you end up collaborating with a person who also has 1000s of followers, then collab posts or Instagram or Tiktok actually do a lot better than me just posting something that I usually post so I've been like collaborating or partnering up with other content creators and then posting on social media and then gets more like reach more engagement gets the post out there more and more people see it. And then the second thing, which I've started doing more recently, I know is quite big on particularly Twitter-based affiliate marketing. Quite a few people who have actually started their own light invest in Instagram accounts because of my accent require them to start now they essentially do like affiliate marketing to me so they've essentially bought my products in the past and now they then promote them to their own followers. And then if they are to make a sale and then they get a kickback hasn't really actually produced very many sales at the moment but it's one of the things where for the future if I keep growing more people like the products more people want to sort of sell products for me, that could provide some fruits going forward and the
signs break up at the end at least at my end Ryan so I think it's some really good stuff that you came out there with the influencer collabs and must get it right you influencer collabs and the affiliate marketing, we are just maybe I think I'm going to go around the limit and ask for some top tips or maybe things to avoid, you know, from a marketing point of view. So you want to put your thinking cap on. for that. I'll be back to you shortly. But maybe just on my side, I think there's what I think was beautiful about marketing is this, you know, there's space for everyone, any type of person to kind of market if you wish, in any kind of way. And so what might work for you know, Craig, or Paul, or Ryan, or Anthony might not work for me and might not work for you listening. So I think you can use just find your niche, find your space, find where you're comfortable. Her, for example, I'm a writer as well. And you know, what, what's worked for me, for example, is my writing. So I've got a couple of books out there, there's one about to come. But one, a complete guide to property finance is coming soon. And it's like, it's late, it's late, but it's coming very, very soon. But you know, the books, the first book was published in 2015. So it's six years old now. But I still get people responding to me from that book. I've got 60, you know, YPN math articles. I've got 400,000 downloads of a podcast over seven years. And it's a back catalog. That's what I'm actually saying. So people can go and find that and it's there. It's a little bit different with a tick tok, right? Tick Tok is still there. But it's sort of at the moment, isn't it? Certain tweets definitely are. So I think, you know, the, so for me, it's like a write a lot. But there's less out there, but it stays there longer. So the thing you can find your space, that's what I'm really trying to say. So I think that works for me, you know, less is more, I can't maintain the consistency of publishing, or posting several times a day, that's quite crazy for me. So I think to find your space. And maybe I'll start off with my top tip, then, to cue you guys up. So my top tip is really a book. And I'll get him there in case anybody else mentioned that as well. But you know, the book I'd recommend is a book called known. And Akasha needs to think of the author's name, I'll think of it before I wrap up. But it's called known. And that talks about actually what I've just said, is find your space and do it your way. For some people it's the Gary Vee methods set of 14 pieces of content a day. Thank you. It's Mark Shea, what's the middle initial Mark? RW Schaefer ? Yeah, but what Thanks, Ryan for getting me the book. And, but there are other people who post like long-form blog posts once a month. So and everything in between, and RW Schaefer is a book called man. So it's a really good case study in that there's My top tip anyway, I was here, what are your top tips? And as before we close?
I guess I mean, maybe why I prefer the in-person kind of meetings. I guess it makes your online brand consistent with what you are in real life so that people aren't disappointed when they meet you. I guess that's a big one for me. Be authentic online and be yourself. You don't need to pretend to be someone else in order to gain followers. Yeah, I guess that's my biggest one anyway. The big one.
Be so mine would be to challenge other people aren't Well, actually to tangle. The people like Craig and they've got tons of followers if you want to get more followers, but all sorts of challenges. People like Ryan and say, Well, actually, Ryan, maybe you should post on the property thing saying that you're interested in a property thing group and not say that you're interested in getting into property? And what newbies can give you tips into doing so and what strategies have worked for them. And you can tag us and then we'll tag you in and help you out. And, you know, maybe we could do a bit of an interview or something like that. If you want, you know, you can ask me in Boise, a lot of questions. I'll leave it in Craig and Richard, whatever, you know, we could do
them Facebook Lives where people are interviewing each other across. So there's, there's I think for your guy, there's certain points wherewith his following of the accounting side of the scene, this is a property investor, these are what they invest in, you try different things. And it's
Yeah, I think if Ryan was to come on-site or one of these sidewalk rounds, I mean, if we just did a, you know, if we did an exclusive one, and you could just ask us a lot of stuff to do with how we've pulled the property to pieces and put it back together again, and then that will get your followers knowing that you're interested in the property, and therefore, you know, they might want to jump home with you and something you know, it's just not provenance out there, isn't it?
As a good idea, actually, that'd be great collateral. There you go.
Really, your tip was the collaboration idea, I think, from what I've just picked up collaboration.
Yeah, that'd be quality, like, essentially go in. And I've seen people do that where they go on YouTube and they sort of speak to someone who's experienced, whether it's like their accountant or their solicitor, they start, like almost what you were saying, quizzed them as you're sort of walking around the property or sitting in the office, asking them those beginner questions that I won't know the answer to. But you do. And then it's sort of, yeah, as you mentioned, my audience knows I'm interested in the property, they know you're knowledgeable on property. So that then sort of follows both of us. Well, they
can chuck a load of questions on as well, while we're going around if it's alive and questions. Yeah, I mean, probably is pretty scary when, you know, when you put them into pieces and put them back together, so you can see them on the operating table.
So what's your top tip, then Ryan?
So mine, so I guess for me personally, because I'm younger, I'm not particularly wealthy, haven't got like a massive portfolio, or like loads of promises, or whatever. It's really just about being transparent. And I sort of Anthony was saying, being authentic and just sort of sharing my story. So even years ago, when I was only investing, like a couple of 100 pounds a month, I would share what I was investing into how much, and it's all being transparent, honest, and open about what I'm doing. And I think that's essentially what allowed me to then like build my following people sort of trust because I'm sort of doing what I'm saying, I'm doing more trying to sell them. So like get rich quick scheme or get rich, quick course. So So yeah, so what we touched on really right at the start, but being authentic, being transparent, and being honest, some people sort of following you for you.
Greg, we're about here is here. We didn't get your top tip. Do we?
Yeah, I mean, probably make sure everybody every cell is consistent. And that expected overnight is slow and steady. Is what I find to be right. Just Yeah, Bo. consistent. Yeah.
Fantastic. All right, guys. Well, it's been a blast, man. I think there's probably loads we could still talk about, but you know, we want to sort of spare the listeners a little bit. So we'll sort of draw it to a close. So Anthony, Paul, Craig. And Ryan, thanks very much for joining me this week. This is gonna be the last panel discussion in this series, probably the penultimate in the whole series. And after finding out what's going to happen next. I guess I'm just going to do the wrap-up. Thanks very much for listening once again this week, to the property voice podcast, you can find the show notes over the website, But if you'd like to connect with me and talk about anything from today's show, or NDB referred on to, or have a collab with any of our panelists today, you can email me podcast at And I will be putting in, by the way, social media links to all of the panelists so could you just make sure I've got them, guys, if I haven't already, just share them with me. And we'll tag you into those social media posts and you know what the best thing about that is, don't just like it, comment and share, share the love and that will actually boost us all. So there we go just in passing. So thanks again. And until next time on the property voice podcast is Josh.
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