If you have followed my insights for any time at all, you will know that I love to uncover good sources to go to for housing market data and so when I heard about a new BTL index I had to take a look.
LendInvest have started a new index looking at yields, house prices / capital growth and a couple of extra areas too. I like the breakdown by postcode area (although at first glance, some seem to be missing). My only issues with this, as with many like it is that a) it is all based on averages and so caution is required (the by postcode and by number of bedrooms does help here) and; b) the yield data is calculated using asking prices and not sold prices, so that probably understates the average yield to some extent given that most houses sell at below the asking price...on average 😉
That all said, it will be another data source to add into the mix for sure.
Source & credits: Lendinvest