Join me as I chat to Dr Nathalia Guimaraes, who is a professional Nutritionist and Registered Dietician.
What has this got to do with property you might ask? Well, pretty much everything, as our health and vitality is essential for physical and emotional balance, as well as peak performance.
What is the most important organ, what are the top 3 nutrients to include in our diet and what foods should we avoid? Check, check and check!
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Transcription of the show
Join me as I chat to Dr Nathalia Guimaraes, who is a professional Nutritionist and Registered Dietician.
What has this got to do with property you might ask? Well, pretty much everything, as our health and vitality is essential for physical and emotional balance, as well as peak performance.
What is the most important organ, what are the top 3 nutrients to include in our diet and what foods should we avoid? Check, check and check!
I think you’re going to like this one...
Property Chatter
Richard Brown
Natalia, how are you? I was gonna say Dr. Natalia, and I'm going to get it horribly wrong, but I'm going to try anyway. Dr. Natalia gi Manish EMR. I know it's not, but you can be very kind.
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
Yeah, it is. It's
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
very good.
Richard Brown
Dr. Natalia, thanks so much for joining me today, especially very, very short notice, making some time I know you've had a busy couple of days full on in your practice. Really appreciate you coming to talk to me and obviously to our group. I think you actually
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
for having me here. So I'm, I'm happy to to be here and answer questions. Like you said, I love my profession. Just a little we topped here. So I'm, you saw that. So I'm happy to be here.
Richard Brown
Exactly. I was actually going to say that. So we had a pretty little preliminary chat before we have received record. And I can already tell you that. Dr. Natalia is extremely passionate about a topic. We've got some specific questions, you know, from the group, which will may be posed to you a little bit later. But I thought, and I might have some questions as well, I think we set this up around the general theme of talking about mood and productivity. You could think as you said, we could go in any number of directions with this topic of nutrition and diet. But what would really help I think, if you wouldn't mind, just starting off by just telling us a little bit about yourself, your background, how you got into this, this field, really that that would be fantastic. If you don't mind.
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
Perfect. Well, I'm actually a clinical nutritionist, a sports nutritionist, a functional nutritionist and a registered dietitian, which means I can both work in the hospital and the clinic. And it's funny, because I didn't tell you that but I have three different graduations, right? And nutrition was actually my third. Um, so I like to study, but it's an area that I've always felt passionate about. But what made me do the switch is because I actually started living in a world where everybody was starting to get sick around me, right. And I felt like I needed to be part of helping everyone heal themselves. And when I mean healed themselves, not only physically, but I believe in emotional space, motion sickness, leading to physical sickness, and spiritual sickness. So I wanted to help everybody. Be healthy, the world be healthy, because I think that people are linking disease and health in the wrong way, right? Because people think of disease, and they think of pharmaceuticals. And they don't believe that the food has power to heal themselves. And emotion has power to heal yourself. So I'm actually proud when I receive a patient, and I actually can make them stop taking their medications. Like, I'm like, Oh my god, I'm so happy. I'm happy for them and helping for me and I feel good about helping them optimise their health, right. And just things that you never believe could happen from eating healthy actually can. So everything you can think of like, I'm reversing diabetes, reversing autoimmune disease, people taking tonnes of diabetes, medic medication for diabetes, and just in what six months, they're like taking zero diabetic medications, people taking statens I mean, cholesterol people, it's easy to lower through diet, it's easy to lower their natural supplementations. So all those things and much more we can treat through a healthy, um, not only diet, but I guess, lifestyle, right. It's all interconnected, interconnected. So that's why I made the switch. And I'm happy I didn't I did that a long, long time ago. But I'm happy I did.
Richard Brown
That was fantastic. And you didn't mention blood pressure. But that would be one I'd be interested. Yes,
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
blood pressure to because that's an easy one. But everything every disease, I mean, I have patients cancer patients, I have every type of patient you can think of. So
Richard Brown
that's great. Well, your, your passion is coming through. Thank you. I don't know, I think I believe you either studied or lived or worked in the States. Is that right? In the US?
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
Yes. I actually I studied in the states worked a little bit in the States. And Billy came back here, because we have a policy in Brazil, that if I graduate in the United States, 100% my diploma there does not work here. So I actually had to start from zero here and nutrition, do everything all over. So
Richard Brown
I know I know that my wife had the same experience by the way. The degree wasn't recognised in Brazil. So
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
yeah, it's very unfortunate, but it worked. In the end,
Richard Brown
yeah, exactly. Cool. And I'm really pleased to hear you talk about the, you know, the interconnectedness, the whole holistic sort of approach, because to try and join some dots, you know, a little bit, our group, we're very aspirational people, we're been on a mission. I mean, I kind of gave you a little trail you didn't know before, but just to sort of repeat here for now is that, you know, a lot of the people in the group are striving for a better lifestyle. To get to that better lifestyle, they're perhaps, you know, working harder in the short term to, you know, to get the better lifestyle in the long term. And so things like productivity, energy levels, mood, you know, it's really important and very topical. And of course, what we don't want to do is get people burning out and not not reaching that place that they're aiming at, where you know, the the Oasis, you never don't make it to the Oasis and don't enjoy
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
- There's a lot,
Richard Brown
I can burn out. Yeah. So that's, that's the kind of link. And I know I set things up. And maybe I'll hand back to you because I frame this conversation about wanting to talk about mood and productivity specifically. And I think you told me that you had some, you know, a little piece that you wanted to share with me, perhaps in response to that?
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
Well, when you say mood and productivity, I will let you know that there's a lot to say. And there's a lot of areas, you can go there. Because when you think of energy, there's so many nutrients that are necessary to give our body energy and make our minds mind work and make our cells work and make our mitochondria work. So I told you, I was going to focus on an organ, which for me, is the most important organ, everybody thinks it's up here, you know, your organ for energy smart. So I'm going to focus in on Oregon, and I'm going to focus on three nutrients, right, and then I'm going to explain why I'm going to focus in these three nutrients. But starting with the origin, when you think of mood, and when you think of productivity. It's your gut, it's your intestine. And I'm going to say, Why, because your intestine is actually your second brain, you have neurons down there, you have a bunch of neurotransmitters being produced down there. And two of the most important neurotransmitters, when we think of mood, and, you know, balancing your emotions, it's serotonin and dopamine, and 90% of our serotonin is actually produced in your intestines, right? And 50% of your dopamine is actually produced in your intestines. You have something down there called your nerve, your vagus nerve, right? You have a receptor. And actually, through that Vegas nerve, you send signals to your brain. So your intestines is actually always connected and sending messages to your brain. And why do I say that? Why do I say your intestine is the most important thing that I need to talk about today is because most people have something called dysbiosis. Right? I don't know if you ever heard about that, Richard. But this bio is is actually called it's actually an imbalance in your gut. It's an imbalance of healthy bacteria versus bad bacterias you can have two types of mountains one is when you have
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
more bad bacterias than good bacterias right friendly bacteria, which actually gramme positive bacteria. Or you can actually just have your positive your gramme positive bacteria is depleted. Right? Meaning that you don't have a lot of gramme negative bacteria, but the good ones are just not there. They died, you're going to see why did they die? I mean, stress kills them. Antibiotic destroys all the bacterias in your your gut, right? We're leading the world, at least here in Brazil, people sneeze and they go to the pharmacy to buy an antibiotic thinking that's the solution, right? When you even don't when you don't need it. When you buy an antibiotic, you're actually buying something called anti life, I call them anti life, when you're back two years are actually pro life, right? So you're actually kind of killing yourself a little bit. Because you have more bacteria in your body. Then you have cells all over your body, right? They're the most important friend you can actually have. So first thing is focusing your dot and not only focusing on on eating probiotics putting probiotics, but probiotics inside right healthy, healthy back to yours. But um, your back two years to survive. They need something called soluble fibre right? The soluble fibre actually feeds your bacteria. So if you're eating in ultra processed food you're eating I'm always at Burger King macdon Pizza, whatever, you're not eating enough fibre, and you're actually killing your bacteria, you're killing your your friends by not giving them the food they need, right, you're starving them. So you need those soluble fibres to make them grow to make them product for me know generate more bacteria because they eat, they kind of become the create more about using more about choosing more back to yours, they kind of divide and they they split up and they grow. Right. So eating probiotic foods, fermented foods, eating insoluble fibres, that is what your gut likes, right? Um, another thing, stay away from medications that you don't need that actually kills them, right. Number one is antibiotics, but you have other medications that can actually attack your gut. Of course, if you need certain medications, of course, you have to take them but then you can always repopulate them. Okay, don't forget that. It's actually easy nowadays, to get probiotics. And one thing you need to know, the most important thing is not the number in terms of billions of bacterias is the different strands, the more strands you have, the better the probiotic, because you need different strands for them to fight with each other. That's what you want. You want a lot of trans to fight down there. And when they fight, they produce certain specific chemicals that actually are healthy for your body. So you want them fighting? That makes sense.
Richard Brown
Makes perfect sense. I was gonna ask you about the billions. So you've answered that one. Thank you.
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
Yes, yeah. But even though it's good to have, what 1025 be millions, but you don't want 25 billions of the same strand, right? You want different strands, you're gonna get probably the lactose One, two, lactobacillus that how you say it in English lactobacilli goes once and you have the bifido, once the bifidobacteria ones are the ones for your large intestines, the lactobacillus ones are for your small intestines. So they're both important, right? You need both. And then there's a lot of different lactobacilli is kind and and the bots of bifidobacterium, bacteria kind, so at least get like three lacto types and to be phenotypes, at least, you know, five different streams, that's the least. And when we think also got a have to talk about leaky gut, I don't know if you're ever heard of that. Yes, that have to talk about leaky gut when we when we talk about mood. leaky gut is when this is your cells in your intestine, right? When your cells do two, same thing, stress process eating certain medications, they start to loosen up, and you create space between them. That means that what you eat can actually go through your intestine into your bloodstream, and actually generate toxins inside your body because they're not supposed to be in, in in your blood circulating, right. So these toxins inside your blood because of the leaky gut, they generate inflammation. And when we talk about inflammation, it's the main cause of actually depression today. That's why there's a lot of studies that are using omega three to fight depression. Because this inflammation that starts in your body actually starts to implement your brain. So you have also narrow inflammation due to these leaky guts, right, that actually progresses that a bad progresses your, your your depression, or can actually cause depression, right? That's, that's what I needed to say about that. Um, there are other reasons that you can get near inflammation, for example, eating a lot of sugar, that inflammation your body, right. But leaky gut is an important thing that also generates inflammation in your body. And the best thing to correct it actually is you know what, you've probably heard of it glutamine. I've ever heard of glutamine, an amino acid, l glutamine. We use it a lot in sports nutrition. Never heard
Richard Brown
of it? Well, I don't know.
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
Well, l glutamine is an amino acid, you actually can buy it in outer form in any supplement store, right. Um, it helps to regenerate all the, the mucus cells in your body, right. So it helps to generate the the intestinal walls in your body. The intestinal walls in your body, they they regenerate. They create new every three to five days. So every three to five days you have new cells down there. When you eat when you take glutamine it speeds up this recovery. And that helps that these cells regenerating to new cells. It helps to close the gap. Right? Another thing that's very, very interesting and easy for you guys to use is I'm quick to means I you say it sure can mean in English. The the yellow stuff saffron.
Richard Brown
Oh, yeah.
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
Thank you mean powder? turmeric. Yes, yes. Because here's my turmeric. Yes. Good. Good because you live in Brazil and you catch the the Brazilian terms.
Richard Brown
And the middle term.
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
Turmeric actually does that to it correct. leaky gut. And it's something easy to find it easy to take, and easy to put in your food. Right? Good. Indian food.
Richard Brown
I like Indian food. So they often use turmeric in Indian food.
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
Yeah. And actually, the Indian food does a smart thing because it has pepper also inside, when you combine it with black pepper, and the absorption of tumeric is much better. So a good combination is healthy fats and black pepper with turmeric, because sorption is much, much better. It translates to Indian food, right? Pretty much. So that's a good thing. I'm switching from this organ. One thing I want to talk about energies, b 12. People do not associate the 12 with energy, but actually it's one of the most important vitamins for for energy. b 12 is necessary for the transmission of narrow transmitters in your body. All right? When you have a b 12 deficiency, a severe b 12 deficiency, all your nerves, there's your nerve has a coating, that it starts to disintegrate. And when it starts to disintegrate, you there's no propagation of the nervous system anymore, right? You have nerve damage. So long term b 12 deficiency can actually lead to nerve long term nerve damage, and it's reversible. So yeah, it's reversible. I need to make that clear. reversible. No, it's irreversible, you cannot reverse it. Once there's a nerve damage into place due to B 12 deficiency, you cannot reverse it.
Richard Brown
Okay, so that's a big deal, you need to be 12
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
Yes, you need to check your B 12 level, especially because I was saying that here in Brazil, 50% of the population is deficient in B 12. And in America, 40% of the population is a physically deficient deficient of B 12. And people always link b 12. With um, vegetarians and vegans. It's not true. Yeah, it's not true. You know why? Because you can have a b 12 deficiency due to lack of intrinsic in Brazil, we call it intrinsic factor, it's something that you produce in your stomach that binds itself to the B 12. And is essential for absorption. With old age, you start to not produce that factor anymore. So if that factor does not combine with B 12, you can't absorb it anymore. So yes, old age you do not have to be 12 production. Um, you do not have the the intrinsic factor of production. So again, I'm sorry, b 12. m hydro Clark production with old age also, you start to produce less hydrochloric acid. If you don't produce hydro quality chloric acid, you can separate the B 12 from the food. So don't absorb that that anymore. There are some parasites, if you have any parasites, contamination, they actually eat your B 12. There's something called cebo, which is small intestinal bowel overgrowth. Certain bacterias can actually eat your B 12 in your intestine. So that depletes it to there are certain pesticides that actually inhibits the absorption, absorption of B 12. Because they steal the cobalt inside the B 12. Right. And once they steal that cobalt from the B 12, the be tough cannot be activated. So there's so many reasons that people can have a b 12 deficiency, and you need to look for that. And why is that important? Besides the the nerve damage? b 12 deficiency is linked to lack of concentration. It's linked to bad memory, actually, specifically recent memory, right, you just did something you forgot what you did. That's b 12. So if you also have attention deficit disorder, for example, you need a high doses of B 12. It really really helps with that. Um, b 12. In upper concentrations help helps with fast thinking if you want to if you want to think of productivity, fast thinking You need to put your B 12 in the right level. And when I
Richard Brown
say right, sorry, I didn't mean to jump in, I'm thinking of the film limitless. Did you ever see the film limitless, the American title, so it might have been called something else in Brazil, it's where the guy puts tops a pill, and he's got the super household.
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
So that's kind of B 12. When you when you put it in the upper level, and when they say upper level, um, there's a huge controversy to what is considered ideal for B 12. Because if you do a blood work, and you look at reference levels, you're going to see a huge discrepancy, like going from 200 to 980. Depending in what country you do the the examine what laboratory do the exam, you're going to say home? Is my ideal 200? Or is my ideal 980? It's a question that I get in my practice all the time. So here's the here's the deal. There's a lot of studies that show that when your B 12 is below 490 90% of the population is already deficient in B 12. You know why? Because the efficiency of B 12, generates an asset called methylmalonic acid. And if you do the bloodwork for this acid, you're going to see that it starts to rise up above a when when the B 12. starts to go down from 490. So I'd say leave your B 12. At least in 490 492. Up, you can go to 900. It's not a problem. There's a new study that just came out actually two months ago, that showed that high doses of B 12 due to supplementation has no link to more to earlier mortality rate, because last year and study came out, saying that hi b 12 was actually linked to higher mortality rate. But actually it was only linked to be 12 high be 12 due to um dietary eating, like from eating more protein and red meat and animal protein. But when it's from supplementation, it actually has 00 side effects in terms of risk of mortality. I want to make that that clear. All right. It just came out this new study two weeks ago. So that's be told for you another nutrient that's very important. It's actually coenzyme Q 10. Have you heard of it? Now, it's one of my favourites? Oh, yeah, I'm actually you produce, we all produce queries on q 10. Right. There are some foods that have coenzyme Q 10, but in very, very low doses. But as we mature, I'm not going to say old age. But as we mature, we start to reduce the production of coenzyme Q 10. These coins on q 10. They survive inside the mitochondria. And they're essential for energy production, meaning they're essential for ATP production. And when your coenzyme Q 10 starts to go down, it means you're not producing energy, you're not producing ATP, right. Um, it's very, very important that people that have high cholesterol and our own status to supplement with coenzyme Q 10. Because that's as they deplete coenzyme Q 10. It depletes your production of coenzyme Q 10. So if you're thinking of taking anything for better energy, I would say that's one of my favourites I I've been taking going on contend for 10 years now and I'm a fan.
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
like I said there are some foods that have it but you're going to get 30% of the coenzyme Q 10 that you need from foods really anyone is not me, but example
Richard Brown
of the food
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
shadow has coenzyme Q 10. Avocado has some coenzyme Q 10. But you know what food has the most liver from any animal because in your liver, the mitochondria in your liver, they store a lot of coenzyme Q 10 in our body and human bodies to so liver from animals actually have the most coenzyme Q 10 in all the foods if you like eating liver, right? Nobody does. I don't know, right? Yeah, that's like I said, You're really not going to get corizon pretend from food, that's why we produce it. But as we mature production starts to go down. And if you're on statens forget about your coenzyme Q 10 production like zero. Um, another nutrient I need to talk about when you think of energy is iron. Um, you do not need to be iron deficiency deficient in terms of feeling already the low energy meaning you do not have to have anaemia. To start feeling low energy, we have something called ferritin levels, which is your storage of iron. When your storage of iron starts to get below 70, the first thing you notice is you're starting to get tired, there's not enough oxygen circulating, you start to get hair loss may start to get hair loss. So leaving your ferritin above 70. But below 200 is very interesting when you think of energy. So check that either love on your own foods, and it does not have to be animal products. I mean, all legumes like bees does bean is a legume. Nobody thinks it is but all your beans have a lot of iron. And the trick is combine the iron from your vegetables with vitamin C, at least 75 milligrammes because vitamin C actually makes this iron absorb four times more, it's a lot four times more. So do this combination. For example, if you're eating lentils, and you're eating a salad, put some lemon juice on your salad or do like a lemon shot, that works a lot better in terms of absorbing that iron from that food. So check your iron, it's very, very important. I get a lot of women iron deficient especially. But I've been seeing some men too. So it's good to check that there's so much when you think of mood. Um, I want to talk about so we can close that about serotonin and dopamine. There are foods that does help with mood that help to boost your serotonin levels. And those foods that help boost your serotonin levels are tryptophan high foods chipped up tryptophan is an amino acid. So when you think of tryptophan, the food that has the most is actually turkey turkey meat has a lot of tryptophan, so turkey helps boost your serotonin levels. cocoa beans help boost your serotonin levels too. But it has cocoa cocoa powder like chocolate. Yeah, but it has to be like dark chocolate Nanos milk chocolates that will help much so helps with serotonin levels. Um, oats, oats, help produce serotonin, banana, help produce serotonin, and actually my favourite food in the world, which is pumpkinseed pumpkinseed is actually one of the most nutrient foods in the world, and it has a lot of tryptophan. So it really helps to bring your mood up. It's um, it's one thing you must have at home all the times really and you're gonna see why because I'm not talking about a lot about it. It's powerful. It really is a powerful food. When you think of dopamine, there are some foods to help with that too. But the main ones would be foods that have a lot of omega threes. So healthy fats help with the production of dopamine. When you think of healthy fats you think of salmon, not um, those has been wild salmon, not the salmon that has you know, a lot of omega six that you know, they put I don't know what how they call it animals that that are raised in farms over there.
Richard Brown
Yeah, forgot what they called it. But yeah, the farm produced
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
them Yes, do not eat though stay away from those because they put food colouring in for them to eat. They give them rations filled with omega six. So it's actually an inflammatory food. Instead of being an anti inflammatory food, it has the opposite. It's rich in Omega six has ever been returned omega three. So wild salmon helps with their reproduction of a paddle helps their brain production, flax seeds, chia seeds, all the nuts, especially walnuts help with dopamine levels. I say wallet is my favourite because it's all of them know the nuts. It's the highest in omega threes. So you should really have it at home. And it's actually not so much shoe but the walnut has more omega three than the rizona Believe it or not. And actually a new study came out to showing that of all the nuts, the one that has the highest phytochemical concentration. Now, it's a key thing to have.
Richard Brown
Yeah, good. So that's some foods that can boost the energy and the mood levels. Are there any to avoid, which have the opposite effect apart from omega six, which you talked about?
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
Yes, I'm actually the Omega six. You do need it. It's actually an Omega that your body can produce. So you need to eat it. But the problem is you cannot eat omega six unbalanced from omega three, because in excess of omega six, actually m does not allow your body to convert omega three into the active forms which is d, h, a and EPA, right. So you need to have an imbalance between omega six and omega three. And the thing is the population nowadays all unbalanced, they're eating much more omega six foods than omega three foods. So you need to be, um, you know, you need to be alert to this imbalance, things not to eat things that promote inflammation in your body. When you're inflamed, when you have comp, chronic inflammation, all your mood goes down. You have depression, you have anxiety, you have lack of sleep, you have all the disorders leading to emotional imbalance due to inflammation in your body. It's the most important aspect that leads to all the diseases and when I mean chronic inflammation, chronic inflammation that means to narrow inflammation. So what foods leads to say inflammation in your body? excess sugar, high glycemic foods, ultra processed foods foods that have tonnes of food colouring um oh this is very important when we're thinking of productivity and brainfuck functioning stay away from foods that have something called them on hiatus. I'm trying to translate it to English. It's Monosodium. It's monosodium glutamate.
Richard Brown
MSG. Yeah,
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
yes. MSG. MSG is actually a neurotoxin. If you've never heard of that. What does it do? It gets your neurons and excites your neurons up to death. It actually kills neurons. It's it's known as a neurotoxin or in this excitable toxin because it because of literally excites your neurons up to death. And it's actually linked to Alzheimer's. It's linked to Parkinson's. It's linked to a lot of diseases of the brain. The other one that does the same thing is aspartame. Have you heard of aspartame? aspartame is also a neurotoxin? It does exactly the same thing. So those two
Richard Brown
artificial sweetener, isn't it?
Dr Nathalia Guimaraes
Yes, yes. Yes. That Believe it or not, people still use it when they shouldn't. There's so many better sweeteners out there. Even though I always tell people to learn not to need them. But if you do stay away from aspartame, because it literally kills your neurons, just like MSG. No, stay away from those. Okay.
That's all from me this week, remember if you want to talk about anything from today’s show, or just talk property investing more generally, email me at, I would be happy to hear from you! The show notes can be found at our website
Thanks very much for listening again this week, so all that left to say is ciao ciao!