Following on from last week, I wanted to share 4 principal areas that we can actively look to focus on as this crisis unfolds. 1. Look after ourselves & others. 2. Control that which we can control. 3. Use this time wisely. 4. Look ahead to the opportunities. I also share a new way to offer some support to the property community during this time with TPV Live Lunchtime Wednesdays, where I will open a videoconference call for those that just want to meet and hang out virtually. Finally, some light among the gloom, as the latest crop of TPV Apprentices share a little about themselves and their plans as they embark on another 100-Day adventure.
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Following on from last week, I wanted to share 4 principal areas that we can actively look to focus on as this crisis unfolds. 1. Look after ourselves & others. 2. Control that which we can control. 3. Use this time wisely. 4. Look ahead to the opportunities. I also share a new way to offer some support to the property community during this time with TPV Live Lunchtime Wednesdays, where I will open a videoconference call for those that just want to meet and hang out virtually. Finally, some light among the gloom, as the latest crop of TPV Apprentices share a little about themselves and their plans as they embark on another 100-Day adventure.
Property Chatter
Welcome to the Property Voice Podcast, helping you to navigate safely through the world of property investing. Get the lowdown and updates, insights and outcomes on all matters property, with a splash of entertainments along the way. The Property Voice, a voice to trust among the crowd. Now let's get started with your host, Richard Brown.
Hello and welcome to another episode of the Property Voice Podcast. My name is Richard Brown and as always it's a pleasure to have you join me again on the show today. Well, we remain in interesting times. Obviously from a UK perspective, the country's in pretty close to virtual or total lockdown now for the next three weeks. Boris Johnson announced that last night. We probably saw it coming. I hope you did. But essential activities outside of the home only is what we're going to be faced with. And obviously this is well-intended to try and limit the spread of this particular virus. I've got some thoughts on how this plays out which I'll perhaps share with you in a minute. But what I wanted to do in this particular episode is just pick up the thread a little bit about coronavirus and maybe what we can do about it.
Maybe to start things off by saying, I actually have been diagnosed as having the coronavirus myself. I think I mentioned last week that I was waiting on a test results and I had the results yesterday, which was nine days after I was tested, and I actually have to say nine days... Well today's now 10 days later, I'm feeling much, much better. So I've found the test result came positive and actually I've been through the worst of it, I think and I hope anyway, so thanks for those people who are sending me well wishes. I really appreciated those. My voice is probably the giveaway right now. I'm feeling a little bit blocked up and my throat is a bit sore, but otherwise I'm absolutely fine. I'd say over the previous nine days, only three were, were kind of... They weren't really terrible, but they were tough, where I had a fever. But once a fever was under control, things were pretty manageable to be honest with you.
But at the same time, maybe I'm fit and healthy and am able to fight this infection or this virus a lot better than some other people. So I'm not in any way complacent, and those people who are in a more vulnerable position than I am, of course it can affect very, very significantly. And it's actually one of the things that I wanted to talk about. So there's a few principles, but I just wanted to get that news out of the way really. There's a few principles that I wanted to share with you over the course of today's episode. As I reflect a little bit on the situation and maybe looking a little bit ahead about what we can each do this particular moment.
I have four particular areas I wanted to cover with you. So the first one is what can we do? What should we do right now? Well, the very first thing is to look after ourselves and indeed look after others as well. I often use the phrase like they do on airlines, not that there's many flying at the moment, but secure your own face mask, oxygen mask before you try to secure the mask of others. We need to look after ourselves first and foremost before we are able to look after others. I'm not saying don't look after others, just to be clear. In fact I'm saying the contrary. But first of all we need to secure our own face mask. So that's our own physical health, but also our own mental health and wellbeing as well. So we need to get ourselves in a place where we are physically healthy. So that means not putting ourselves in a risky situation. If we have symptoms or indeed confirmation of the virus, we shouldn't be putting ourselves in front of other people that we can spread this around. So we need to adhere to the warnings and the advice that's being given from medical professionals and the government.
And equally our mental wellbeing. I'll be honest with you, last week I had a bit of a panic myself. Really shouldn't have watched the film Contagion with my daughter. That was a really bad idea, because I had all sorts of scenarios playing through my own mind. Excuse me. And I just saw this Armageddon scenario unfolding, if you like, ahead of me. And when it's a bit of a panic, obviously I wasn't feeling very well, and at the same time, things that in my own property business were starting to happen. Service accommodation bookings fell off a cliff. Some tenants were either serving notice or talking about difficulty paying. And my developments were grinding to a bit of a halt. So it would seem to be hitting me on all fronts, and I did go into a bit of a panic and obviously this film didn't help. So I think what we need to do is calm ourselves down, which I'll come on to in a second in maybe how we can do that.
But it take a few deep breaths, meditate, or pray or just go to a quiet space and frankly get a grip. I think we need to calm down and not get too carried away, especially when there's things we can't actually control. But equally, I think what we need to do is recognize that we have both individual and indeed social responsibility as well. So it's not every man for himself, it's not clear the shelves from toilet paper, it's not let's see what I can do to make sure I'm all right, Jack. But what can we do to make sure that as a collective, we're going to get through this together. There's some people who can't get out right now, perhaps a... I saw some local communities, people going around and handing out a little postcards colored in red or green and asking residents to just put one of them up in their front window so they're obviously visible. Green being everything's good in this particular household. Red means we need something. Could you help us out? Whatever that is. And then if you're walking around, not that we can walk around too much, but if you're walking around and you see a red card, perhaps you can knock on the door and offer some help to your neighbor.
Maybe you can have a local WhatsApp group. I believe there's other apps as well that are able to do that. So don't just think about yourself. Think about others too. But obviously in a responsible way. We need to practice social distancing at the same time. So just be very cautious there. But I think just recognize we've got an individual and a collective responsibility here. So it's health and it's mental wellbeing and it's the social responsibility first and foremost. Look after ourselves. The second point really is all about controlling what we can control. Now we can't control what's going on halfway around the world. We can't control whether there's enough ventilators for medical treatment. These things are outside of our control. So what we need to do, of course, is just focus on what we can control. So this is a property podcast, believe it or not, so let's focus on our own property business. So let's just go through our individual properties up line by line, property by property, tenant by tenant and just review the situation.
As I mentioned, you might have different strategies. In my own case for example, I've got a number of service accommodation units, I've got buy-to-lets, I've got HMOs, I've got development projects, I've just got a very, very small interest in commercial, not not too high, but I've got different particular strategies. I'm going through each particular property and I'm looking at what I need to do, and then effectively I'm focusing on cash, liquidity, in the short term because that's going to be of paramount importance. I'm also looking at where I can potentially pivot or change direction if I need to. So I was going to reposition my service accommodation units as longterm short term lets and by that and what I mean is offering deep discounts for longer stays, let's say a month or more. That would be one opportunity.
Another one would be to convert it to a single let or indeed an HMO, for example. We need to ride this out for a period of time. I'm thinking of planning ahead for a period of 12 to 18 months here, whilst we probably work for this situation. I know Boris has said we could be through this in 12 weeks. I actually think the ramifications will last a lot longer. I'm not a medical professional, but I suspect if we're waiting for a vaccine that's going to take 12 to 18 months to be fully tested and rolled out, even if there's something that can be utilized now. So we probably need to be planning for that sort of timeline ourselves in any case. So if we've got a property that's maybe it was originally purposed as a service accommodation for example, and we're going to see short term rental bookings fall away for at least three months, possibly longer, then maybe we should reposition it as either a short term, longterm let. What could that be used for? Well, key workers, I've just had somebody book in to one of my units for a few weeks. Key workers working on HS2.
There could be medical staff who are being moved around the country and need somewhere to stay on a short, longterm basis. There could be people who need to go into isolation. Obviously there's some issues there around making sure that we're protecting any staff that are working in those properties. So there's a number of ideas and thoughts there on perhaps repurposing, excuse me, and pivoting. Sorry if I sound a bit hoarse and coughing now and again, it's obviously a little bit tricky, so forgive me. But make the plan property by property. I also suggest that we contact our tenants at this point in time. What I chose to do is issue, if you'd like, some guidelines to tenants. One on how to stay medically safe if you like with the virus, but also financially safe.
So there's a number of things now that are becoming available to tenants and landlords alike to help them. The suggestions of payment holidays, rent holidays for example. There's finance available, there's business rate supports available in some cases. There's a very good website that the government has published all of that information, so I'll link that in the show notes. Perhaps you can have a look at that if you are looking for something yourself, but contact the tenants as well at this point in time. They're probably feeling very uncertain, probably feeling quite vulnerable, not really sure what to do. People respond in different ways. What we did notice by the way, is that some tenants perhaps responded a little bit hostile, aggressive even. It's fear. So if you just recognize that perhaps people are speaking through fear initially and not to necessarily respond like for like straight away and just understand their position, listen to them and then just explain what we can do to help, what we can do collectively.
Because obviously there are safety nets now being put in place for many, many people. So for example, there's the 80% subsidy for people who are being furloughed. There's the fast tracking of benefits, if people actually lose their job so they should be able to claim universal credit, which includes support for housing. There's a number of jobs that are actually still available. In fact people are recruiting in the retail sector for example, and drivers. So maybe it's not the most glamorous of work but it is work. So there are various things that can be done. And then of course if they can't pay for whatever reason, maybe they're literally sick and they can't pay and we need to take a payment holiday, we can contact our mortgage lenders. Make sure that you qualify when you speak to a mortgage lender that any action they take won't reflect badly on your credit file, is something I would say.
And check what government support is available, which seems to be changing all the time. I know that the self employed and gig economy, zero hours types of contract, people might be falling between the cracks as it were. With what was announced by the government late on Friday. This is obviously being updated all the time, so just check in. I do believe there'll be additional support made available. Just from my perspective, I actually believe we should look at direct payments at this point in time. So individuals and businesses, we should go a step further than the government has already done, which by the way is unprecedented, and I think I applaud the the actions that have been taken. But I think if we're realistically expecting the economy to grind to a halt, we need to support businesses. We need to treat this as a crisis, a financial crisis, as much as a health crisis.
I've published some posts on social media, perhaps I'll link to that in the show notes. I'm not trying to make a political comment. I just think seeing it through that actually there's going to be some ramifications to people, and if we don't look after people economically, then we'll have more than a health crisis. We'll also have a social crisis. So that's where I'm coming from with that particular thinking. So don't jump on top of me in any way. I want this to be a positive message, it's a positive rally cry. So there we go. So that was second thing really it was all about planning really and taking steps to control our business. The third is really, I guess we're going to have some time on our hands, certainly for the next three weeks, if you happen to be in the UK, depending where you're listening to this podcast, but use your time wisely over the next few weeks, whether you're being furloughed or you're at home. Support your family, support your community wherever you possibly can.
Show compassion to one another. It's an opportunity I think. With all the travel that's been stopped and some of the industry that's been stopped, the earth seems to be breathing again, rivers seem to be clear again, people are seeing fish in canals that weren't there before because there's less toxins being polluted. So maybe we should just reflect on this for a minute and think, hang on a minute, business as usual is not necessarily a good thing is it? So I'm hoping that we once this returns to normal that it isn't the same normal, it's a new normal and perhaps we can think about our environment. Perhaps we can think about how we do things and maybe make some changes. We can use this time wisely to support our family, to support our community and perhaps think about what causes or what direction we want to go in the future. Because we're a lot more closely linked to each other than we perhaps thought and this virus is proving that I'm sure.
But also from our own points of view, how can we improve ourselves? Maybe this is an opportunity to do some online training. Maybe it's an opportunity to do some spring cleaning so to speak in the house or even in our minds. And how can we take advantage of this time and improve ourselves. And also, what we're going to do next? Let's start planning for what happens next. I think we're going to have a period of time now where we're locked down and then we're going to be let out again, so to speak. Personally, I think we're going to swing from periods of lockdown and relative freedom, because unless this vaccine that maybe we're looking for is going to be available much sooner than my estimate, which is 12 to 18 months, I can't imagine that we're just going to be, "It's all going to be fine in a few weeks," and then we can all roam around freely again.
I think we're going to go through relative swings of relative lockdown, relative free movement, and actually you can see slightly different perspectives opening. Just last night Donald Trump is musing that he said the cure can't be worse than the disease, and who knows what that actually means, but we can't affect... The whole planet should just suffer and go into this horrible place. I know that obviously this is very, very severe for certain people. I'm not advocating we'll leave any man behind or any person behind, but there's going to be a period of uncertainty. But we need to plan for the next phase is what I'm saying, so we need to make our own plans. So take this opportunity to support one another, to improve ourselves, and to think about what next is a third item.
The fourth is there will also be opportunities that follow this. I've deliberately listed this number four. I'm deliberately looking at this as something for the future. So please don't misunderstand what I'm saying, that I'm really saying just just be a greedy whatsit. I'm talking about compassion first, I'm talking about improving ourselves, I'm talking about supporting our community. Talking about taking care of our health and wellbeing and controlling what we can control before I'm talking about opportunities. But there will be opportunities, but there'll be different types of opportunity. So let me explain. So yes, there'll be some property opportunities. For example, some people won't want to keep all of their properties, so that's an opportunity for us to maybe buy them up. I am in fact, one of them. For example, I have seven development projects right now and I've just decided to shed one immediately. Not sure exactly how I'm going to do that in the next few weeks, but I've decided to dump it, essentially. So I'm providing an opportunity someone else, because I'm prepared to take a lesser value for that property than if I were to see it through and get it finished.
And the reason I'm doing that is to free up resources and free up mind space for other things I want to work on. So I'm actually seeing it as a positive thing, and even though I will actually take a financial hit on that particular property, it will provide an opportunity for someone else perhaps. Happens to be a bungalow in Wisbech, so if you're looking for a bungalow in Wisbech that you can refurbish and perhaps a sell off for a profit, well, you know where to come. So there'd be opportunities like that, and I don't have a problem in the fact that I'm going to give that up as an opportunity to somebody else, but I'm doing it with a wider context to look at my wider portfolio and my interest right now. That's one type of opportunity.
Another type of opportunity is, if you like, new business models. Right now if you happen to have any online business, whether that's a service business or a product business, then you're probably going to be doing quite well. Or you're going to be in demand. Or maybe you can think of launching one. Might be not ideal to launch something brand new right now, but maybe you can think about that or maybe you can be ready to springboard into that business model going forward because there's going to be new models that are going to emerge out of this, I'm absolutely certain. There will be new partnership opportunities as well that emerge out of this. So, for example, people who were investing in the stock market would have been pretty disappointed to see, what, 35% wiped out of their share values perhaps in a week or two. And maybe there'll be considering where they could put their funds to better use. Maybe property might be a more safe haven. Once we're through all of this, I recognize. Property's relatively illiquid and is perhaps slow to respond from a market conditions points of view.
We're obviously going to see a compromise on transactions, and it will take some time before values adjust, let's say, because of the speed of transactions filtering through the system. But people perhaps will be looking to get a return on the investment in another area. So there could be opportunities there to partner in a new way. And whether you can provide somebody with a property opportunity, a partnership opportunity, that's something to think about. Another opportunity could be for us to either rationalize what we're doing... I give an example that I am shedding one of my particular development opportunities. Perhaps I went too broad. So I'm narrowing that down again with that particular action. So that's one step that we can do. But also we could potentially diversify if we feel a little bit concentrated right now.
So if you're all in on service accommodation, then you're probably thinking, "Oh my goodness me. What's going to happen to my world if I'm all in on something that is largely leisure industry related, which has fallen off a cliff literally overnight?" So you'll be thinking, well maybe, one, how can I repurpose, going back to what I was saying earlier, that particular business model, or perhaps how can I diversify so I'm not so weighted in one particular strategy in the future. We can diversify by geography. We can diversify by, let's say, tenant profile. We can diversify by property strategy. So think about one, we might want to rationalize what we do, that means bringing in narrower. And two, we might want to diversify if we're a little bit too narrow. So we've got to get that balance right, of course.
That's what I'm talking about with opportunities. So we need to be ready for that so we can take the time that we have available. Ready to strike, if you like, in the next period ahead. So hopefully things will return to relative normality. I think there will be some positive things that come out of this. I think interest rate rises for the foreseeable future are probably off the table. I think we're going to see QE pumped into the economy for quite some time to come. I think the economic landscape, if you like, will be fertile for things like investing in property for a while longer yet. So I think that's a positive effect that's going to come out of this.
I think there's going to be a massive cost to this particular crisis and we'll pay for that at some point, but we'll probably end up kicking the can down the road, so we might see some tax rises potentially. But obviously there's no point loading us up with taxes when we haven't got an income, so I think that will be deferred for some time. I think what we're going to see his debt levels being used to prop things up in the short term and then at some point in the future we'll start to see maybe that being clawed back, rather, through tax rises and things of that nature.
So there we go. This is going to be unfolding obviously over time. I don't want to make it coronavirus parts one to 13 or something. But I just thought I'd follow up from last week with my reflections, if you like. I went through a bit of a dip myself, but I've come out the other end. I had a good talking to from some people that I trust and I'm going to come to that point in a second. I'm going to talk in a little bit, I'm going to share some of the voice of our latest TPV apprentices in a second. But hang around because at the end I've got some thing I'd like to offer, if you like, in terms of community support that I'd like to share with you when I wrap up the the podcast in a second, so stick around.
I'll be right back, but have a listening to right now, I'm just going to share, if you like, the voices of the latest TPV apprentices. The apprentice program is a virtual program in the most part. There are some physical elements, but we're going to adapt that over the course of the 100 day program. We'll probably do everything virtually actually, but I'd just like to introduce you to Silvana and Monica, Martin and Daniel from the latest crop of TPV apprentices, and they're just going to share a few words about their outlook as we go into this period of time now, and I'll be right back with you shortly to wrap up, if you like, and share a little bit about what maybe I could offer to help as well in terms of community support at this point in in time.
He's just going to tell us a little about himself and the direction he's heading in. So Daniel, why don't you kick us off?
So I'm Daniel. I'm 30 years of age, from Bolton, greater Manchester. An outline goal now would probably be to at the minute I'm on with one property which is a conversion. And what I'd like to do, after the hundred days, is have a clear goal to be doing three to four at the same time, just project managing them using finance. So we've not got a clear strategy for that yet. Well that's what I'm hoping to get from this program. One aha moment that I've had in the first nine days, were just to get the goals written down. I've never dealt with the goals before properly. So it's great just that I've found out what they are now. That's about it really.
Fantastic. Thanks Daniel. Appreciate that share. Hopefully your phone doesn't die before the end of the recording. Appreciate it. So Monica, you're up next. Why don't you just tell us a little bit about yourself?
Well, my name's Monica. I'm based in Croydon. Into a few HMOs at this moment in time. In terms of my goal for the next year, I'd like to shift from being very hands on and active in terms of my property involvement to being a bit more passive, investing in other deals and having at least one or two deals that I would've invested in by that time. My objective over the program is to really just have a clear step by step process outline how I'm going to do it and to have at least an outline shape of one or two investments that I'd like to be able to step into and be able to perform very thorough due diligence on any future investments, which I'd like to have, both a equity and cash stake. So that's my off plan really. My aha moment is I'm not in it alone, I'm in it with my husband. Would it be possible for him to be involved as well in the way that he sees fit as well as myself? Yes. So that's an aha moment for me and just to know that the burning desire to shift to a more passive focus is possible as well as getting very good returns on that. So yeah, that's my aha moment.
Thanks Monica. Perfect. We appreciate that share, and I think next that we have Martin.
Hi there, my name's Martin. I'm 45. I live in West London. And among the program with the goals to replace my current income and create an interesting career in property. During the program, I'd like to get a realistic plan on how to do that and clarity on my new career direction. The plans are still be determined, but I'm feeling positive and that there are lots of possibilities and some great things that will be opened to me.
Thanks Martin. Really appreciate that share. And last but by no means least, Silvana.
Hi there, my name is Silvana, like Richard just said. I'm from Reading. My outlet goal at the moment is replaced by a current job with a property investment business. The someday goal is going to be become financially free and build a portfolio of properties. The one year goal is good to be a work ready to put a project. I can be either a flip or VRR. The objectives for the one hundred day program is gain experience, gain knowledge. Strategy and the plan is what I already mentioned, and my aha breakthrough moment has been that I decided to make this my full time job basically, even if I wasn't really sure when I started, but now 100% of it. That's it. Thank you.
Perfect. Thanks everybody as well because it's a bit nerve wracking isn't it? I really appreciate you sharing as you have done for the sake of other people, really, just to get a bit of a glimpse into what you're hoping to achieve over the next a hundred days. And hopefully we'll dip in now and again and people can see how you're progressing and obviously how towards the end of it. So I really appreciate your shares. I'm really looking forward to working with each and every one of you. You've all got your own journey, your own story, but there's a collective spirit here already I can see forming, and I'm looking forward to the next 90 odd days until it takes us towards the end of the program. So thanks very much. Appreciate it.
So there go, obviously it's just wanting to have a bit of a briefing salute there and introduce you to the latest apprentices. I meant to do that last week. Apologize for not doing so. As you could probably tell last week I wasn't in the greatest shape in all honesty and I just forgot. But this week I just wanted to share what the apprentices and I are up to. We've had one to ones with every single one of them now. I had to postpone them all last week as I was in recovery mode, but they're all being rescheduled now. We've had our first group call, we've had the talent dynamics or the wealth dynamics profiling that's gone on with each of the apprentices now. You're going to hopefully hear from time to time over the next couple of months how the apprentices are bearing up and and we're all relatively positive at this point in time. And obviously we've got a bit of time on our hands perhaps to focus on what we can do. So that's that.
But returning to what my key message of today really, which is all about what we should and could and shouldn't do as a result of coronavirus. I mentioned earlier the principles I'm thinking and how to perhaps look after ourselves and control what we can control, use the time wisely and then be prepared for opportunity going forward. So they're the four key messages. But perhaps in terms of wrap up, what else can I do? I was just thinking about this. So for example, I've got a mastermind group where most of the apprentices have gone into a mastermind group and I've opened up what I call coffee time. So just half an hour a day, literally opening up a video conference bridge. We're just going to come together and poke fun at one another and have a chat and just a bit of camaraderie. It's very casual, very social.
And then on on Fridays we'll convert that into a slightly longer town hall session, which is more business like. So if people have got a particular property related business issue or even not necessarily, they can bring it to the table and we'll group think that on that together. That's obviously on the mastermind program, but for you, if you're listening to this, thank you first of all, but I was thinking what can I do? So what I've decided to do... This goes live on a Wednesday usually. Let's see how this unfolds over the next few weeks. To my producer, I'm recording this on Tuesday morning instead of Monday nights. I'm already late, so hopefully we can make this happen by Wednesday this week. But what I decided to do is 1:00 till 2:00 PM UK time is to have a TPV lunchtime live on Wednesdays for the next few weeks at least, and let's see how that goes.
So what does that mean? It means I'm just going to open up a Zoom link. I'm not going to share the link in the show notes. I'm actually going to make it by invitation. Just in a way I can qualify who's going to be joining in, what the purpose is, if you like, but the invitation's there, reach out to me. All you need to do is drop an email, or contact me on social media if we're connected, and have a little chat and obviously I'll share with you the link. That will be 1:00 till 2:00 PM. Bring your lunch, bring your issues and let's just hang out together. We can brainstorm ideas, we can just chit chat. We just share our pain, if you like. That's it really. I don't know what else to say.
Just something that I'd like to offer to the TPV community. There's no charge for this. Join in if you want to join in. Don't, if you don't, no problem. Let's call it the TPV lunchtime live Wednesdays, 1:00 till 2:00 PM. Get in touch if you'd like to join in with that. I'm making it on the Wednesday. Perhaps it'll be related to the theme of the podcast of that particular week. I was thinking of not doing the podcast, actually. Somebody said to me, "You might sound like the Grim Reaper with your messaging." But actually I perhaps was feeling like a Grim Reaper last week, but now I'm not feeling like the Grim Reaper anymore, and my perspective has been broadened. My sights are being lifted, as indeed have my spirits and indeed has my health.
So yes, I think there's tough times ahead, but I think it's important at this time that we have community, we have good messaging, we have a calm voice, perhaps, amongst all the panic. I wasn't feeling particularly calm last week, but I am now. I am now. So hopefully this has been handy. Anyway, that's it. So TPV lunchtime live Wednesdays 1:00 till 2:00 PM. If you're interested in doing that, just reach out and we'll just have a little hangout. Just bring you lunch, bring your issues, just bring yourself really, and we'll hang out together on that. But that's it for this week. The show notes, I'm probably still going to do a transcription because I don't want my thoughts to be lost, if you like, so I'm going to do a transcript, so look out for the show notes.
You can find that,, of course, as usual. If you want to contact me about anything from today's show or anything to do property investing or just anything that you just want someone to talk to at this point in time, I really want to make that available. Mental hell being... well being and health is really vital at this point in time, so if I can help in any way, please reach out to me,, and I'd be more than happy to hear from you. But I guess all that remains is to say thanks very much for listening once again this week. And until next time on the Property Voice Podcast, it's ciao, ciao.
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That's all from me this week, remember if you want to talk about anything from today’s show, or just talk property investing more generally, email me at, I would be happy to hear from you! The show notes can be found at our website
Thanks very much for listening again this week, so all that left to say is ciao ciao!